My next Hst routine, need advice


New Member
Hi, this is my 3rd hst cycle.
Ive had moderate gains on the past 2 cycles but i think it has more to do with my diet than anything else.
I do fullbody workouts 3 or 4 times per week.
these are my exercise selection for this cycle, i do them in the following order :

Leg/squat press ( like this )
Leg curls
calf raises
Flat bench press
Seated machine fly
back row ( narrow grip )
Seated Chin ups ( palms facing away shoulder width grip )
Shoulder press
Cable machine barbell bicep curls
Cable tricep pushdown ( V grip )
wrist curls
reverse wrist curls
Ab crunches
Decline sit ups

My routine last cycle was almost the same, but i removed the seated dips and seated inclined bicep curls . Should i put them back in ?
My primary goal for this cycle is to get bigger overall arms (everything from shoulder to wrist not just bicep ) without neglecting the rest of my body.
How could i improve my workout ? is there something you would remove or something you would add / replace ? ( and why )
I know i can handle that much exercises in my routine i did it for the past 2 cycles, its just a little time consuming, this cycle i will have a bottle of gatorade+whey mix for each workout.
Im in SD right now and i cant wait to go back to the gym, i feel like i lost 10lbs
Hi Louno

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Ive had moderate gains on the past 2 cycles but i think it has more to do with my diet than anything else.

Well, diet is very important, I guess if you want better gains, revise your 1 RM maxes and after each cycle and then implement this.

Your workout does not look too bad, I'd rather alternate maybe the wrist exercises, the other quaestion I had was? What do you mean by seated chin ups?
I thought chin ups were as the name implies pull ups till the chin touches the bar, is it pull downs you're talking about :confused:

One thing I noticed, the website you refer, is a South African website, are you from South Africa? That'd be great as I am also

Ciao, hope this helps some
Hi thanks, i dont have a bad diet, its just that i think i need to eat like maybe 100-200 more cals everyday,

yeah i was talking about pulldowns hehe sorry, no im not from south africa, im in canada, i just googled and found that img !