My workout :-)

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this is my hst routine for 15 reps
what do you think about it?
i know that it may seem a little bit hard for a woman but i like to work hard
and i know the difficulty of all the exercises

btw d’you know where i can find any workouts of women who did hst? i’m interested in their opinions, tips etc. but i can’t find it

help! ;)

- seated high row
- lever incline row
- bench press (slight incline) – smith machine or dumbbells
- lateral raise
- behind neck press (smith machine)
- shrugs
- curls (scott bench or dumbbells)
- cable pushdown
- calf rise
-cable kneeling crunch
-lever twist
Doing squats and deads on the same day

no thanks :)

Why more volume for back than chest?, 2 exercises for shoulders? 2 for abs?,

how many sets per exercise
thanks a lot aaron :)

ok - now i know not to do squats and deads on the same day

as for chest - i missed dumbbell fly

as for shoulders - i 'd like to focus on lateral deltoid and not to neglect anterior deltoid

what would you propose as a second exercise for legs (for example instead of squats)?

oh, and there is 1 set per each exercise :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]this is my hst routine for 15 reps
don't change the routine during whole macrocycle
it will makes hard to detect the effective of cycle
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
instead of deadlift you can use Lying Leg Curl
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]4.shoulders:
- lateral raise
- behind neck press (smith machine)
I don't recommend behind neck, use from your chest
rest seems OK to me
thanks biniu

sorry for not asking you in AD but my heart wasn't in asking you after some of my previous questions about tkd ;)

talking about changing - i don't mean the whole routine but only exercise for bic (using for exmple scott and dumbbells interchangeably) and tric; will it be ok?

besides i'd prefer to leave deadlift instead of squats...
I don't have any problem with doing squats and deadlifts in the same day (I promise I'm not just disagreeing with you for the heck of it, Aaron :) ) I just have never had a problem with it -- maybe because my load is not as heavy as Aaron's would be and it's just 1 set each. Everyone's different.

I too would switch to a front shoulder press and you could do your shrugs at the top of your deadlifts to save time. Everything else looks good to me -- 14 sets total if I counted right.

I'll be glad to post my routine if you are interested or I can email you. Also do a search for Kate and you can see what she is doing. Maybe she'll pipe in too.
wow, sounds fantastic! :)

of course i'm interested in your routine - i look forward for it! you can post it here or send me an email - as you wish :)

my load for squats cannot be so heavy cos some time ago i had minor injury of my knee and i think i should be careful with it

and as you say - everyone is different; maybe i'll try doing squats and deadlift on the same day; but with emphasis on maybe ;) is it such a heavy sin?

thx guys for tips:)
I've got no problems doing squats and deads on the same day. I even deadlift what I squat, which gets hard toward the max 5, but not impossible.

I think he means doing squats and leg curls one day, then leg press and deadlifts the next. But like I said, squats and deads can be done together if you wanna. I'd even recommend it.
I posted my cycle one and 3 under Hypertrophy specific forum for you. For some reason you can't add an attachment in this forum.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (elle11 @ Aug. 12 2003,4:13)]I don't have any problem with doing squats and deadlifts in the same day (I promise I'm not just disagreeing with you for the heck of it, Aaron :) )
Not in the slightest

however, your program that you posted on the other section suggests that you are doing hack squats and sumo deads, which are a different kettle of fish than back squat and conventional deadlifts. Both put the back in a better position during the lift, to ease some of the loading.

Now I know that the plan is 1 set of each, there probably isnt much of a problem with them, but I would seperate them in the workout somewhat to allow some recovery.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]maybe because my load is not as heavy as Aaron's would be
just a touch lighter.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I think he means doing squats and leg curls one day, then leg press and deadlifts the next. But like I said, squats and deads can be done together if you wanna. I'd even recommend it.
Yes, alternating is what i had in mind orginally.
Recommending it? depends on the persons conditioning, some people enjoy the 'aerobic' workout high rep squats and deadlifts give you. If I do squats I do more sets, so there aint NO way I could do deadlifts after (which is why I do squats at the end of my session)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (grasik @ Aug. 11 2003,1:14)]but my heart wasn't in asking you after some of my previous questions about tkd ;)
go ahead in AD
I love your questions !!