Natural Top Level Pro Bodybuilders


New Member
Hi everyone,

I've heard from lots of people that there is no possible way to be/get as big as top level pro bodybuilders and the huge guys in the muscle mags without taking steriods and/or prohormones.

Is there any truth to this? Guys like Arnold, and Lou(Incredible hulk), did they get that big naturally? What about guys like Jay Cutler?


Every single one of the pros takes AAS. Obviously they also have to work very hard and have great genetics, but they could not achieve anything like their current sizes without the drugs. This is not just speculation, but a well-known fact. Arnold has even admitted to taking steroids, although they were in fact legal at the time.

If you doubt any of the above, you should ask yourself why there are such things as 'natural' bodybuilding competitions, and why everyone competing in these is much smaller.

of course there are pro bodybuilders that are 100 % natural (also no prohormones) - there are different natural bodybuilding leagues worldwide and countrywide...I do not now a lot of us athlets because I do not live in the united states...tom venuto is at the moment the only one I can think of who seriously claimes to be natural...looks still dang good...