Need Advice Modifying HST


New Member
Looking to do an HST style split. However, I am not going to be training my legs. Lower back and knees have been giving me some trouble.

I would like to train more often than every other day.

What do you guys think? I am very experienced, 21 years old, clean diet, etc. Currently I'm doing P/RR/S (gopro's program).
How long have you been training? When I was 21 years old (many moons ago), I didn't consider myself very experienced in anything.

What kind of problems are you having with your lower back and knees? Pain? Weakness?

Leg training (especially squats) is very important for overall growth.
GoPro? Isn't that the guy who thinks glutamine is the best supplement ever invented?
Maybe something like this:

Decline Bench
DB Overhead Presses
Standing BB Curls
Seated French Presses
Seated Calf Raises

And then workouts 2, 4, and 6 would look like:

Incline BB Press
T-Bar Rows
BTN Presses
Hammer Curls
Standing Calf Raises
I like it if you are only doing, at the most, 2 sets per workout. My only recommendation would be to trade the decline bench for weighted dips and the lat pulldowns for chin ups or pull ups. Remember that working out 6 days per week keeps the metabolism raised so you need to eat more than if your were doing the same volume but over 3 days.