Need Help Starting HST


New Member
I am just starting HST and I want to do everything correct. There are only two sample workouts listed on the HST website and they are very different. I don't know which one I should choose. The first sample workout has the same exercises all three days, while the second workout shows alternating exercises between the two days. For example the first sample has rows and chins on the same day while the second has you doing one on alternating days. I think I am going to choose the first sample workout because it is a little more volume. Is there any reason I shouldn't change the stiff leg deads to regular deadlifts? I would rather do regular deadlifts. Any other thoughts on formulating a good routine, along with number of sets, would be helpful. Where can I find more routines and why does hst website only list two that seem to follow different principles. Thanks for the help.
Without getting too long winded, let me just say that either program is good. They do not contradict each other but stay within the general guidelines of using mainly compound exercises. Whether you do them on the same day or alternating days is not relevant. There is a slight neural advantage to by not alternating but there also appears to be some physchological advatage for some people to alternate. I would vote for your first cycle to keep it simple and not alternate.

Regular deads work different muscles than SLDL.

For a first HST cycle, I would use the number of sets called for which, in general, is 20 sets per workout. Going over that amount would require workouts in excess of one hour which can lead to CNS fatigue which can negate hypertrophic gains. However, during the 15's, I would do no more than 1 set per exercise as they can be exhausting.

There are hundreds of routines throughout the threads on this forum. The one thing the effective ones have in common is that they all contain both or one of the following:

Bench press/Dips
Chin or pull ups/Rows
OH Shoulder Press/ Shrugs
Squats/Regular deadlifts/SLDL

Arm work, if done at all, is usually limted to 1 or 2 sets each for bis and tris as the compound lifts give them a lot of indirect work.

Obviously other exercises can be substituted or added but the core compound lifts should always be included.

Good luck and let us know how you make out.

O&G :cool:
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What is the best way to find your 15 10 and 5 rep maxs? I went to a rep max calculator and got an idea of what they are but they still aren't gonna be exact so should I go to the gym and find them all in the same day? or should I spread it out over a few days? and how long should I rest in between those workouts? If I found my 15 one day my 10 one day and then my 5, how long do I need to rest for it to be my actual max? and is it ok to squat and deadlift in the same workout, three times a week on hst? Thanks