Negatives Without A Partner


New Member
Can anyone give advice to the community on how they effectively perform negatives without a partner? Examples should include lifts, any special setup with equipment, etc ...
Pretty much any machine: the old Nautilus "negative accentuated" way. Up with 2 limbs, down with one. Chins, dips, etc you climb up with your legs and lower with the target muscle groups. With a barbell, don't even go there, too dangerous.
Push-press or push-jerk with a bb is a good way to get a heavy load locked out overhead ready for a controlled negative. Learning to push-press or push-jerk isn't too difficult with loads at around your 1-2RM press. Definitely worth a try.
Cheat bb curls with extra torso movement (body English) to get the load up to the top position works well for bicep bb curl negs too.
Do a search on these forums, the question has been asked and answered several dozen times and there's an awful lot you can do :)
Push-press or push-jerk with a bb is a good way to get a heavy load locked out overhead ready for a controlled negative. Learning to push-press or push-jerk isn't too difficult with loads at around your 1-2RM press. Definitely worth a try.
Cheat bb curls with extra torso movement (body English) to get the load up to the top position works well for bicep bb curl negs too.
Funny, I did just this and it was easy to push myself and get good negative work in. thanks for the reply