New pics are up


Active Member
Well guys I have been cutting for about a month now and training the hell out of my quest for getting them...can't say that I have got the abs yet however I have dropped a little bodyfat. I guess with my body I tend to bulk easily and look puffy so I am going to start drinking more water b/c I haven't been drinking enough and hopefully that will shed some water weight and the puffy look. Anyway 3 pics are up for you guys honest critique. Not sure why my body is still very blocky, also I think my pecs are catching up thanks to Vicious and the forums advice.
been working out since 16...but got serious when i was about 8 serious years now. Stats are 6 foot 188 was around 12.5% BF...I have been eating really clean and doing HIIT three times a week...I have lean down some...but dang It looks and feels like I got to lose at least 10 more pounds to have abs. I had a lean midsection about 2 years ago and weighed only 178 so I was hoping I could have a lean midsection and weigh around 184...hoping the extra muscle over past 2 years would help...but it doesn't look that way!
i think you look pretty impressive, shouldn't take much to get lean for you. eating clean and pletny cardio tends to work well for me. (7 days a week)