New to HST


New Member
Hey guys. Long time lifter, brand new to HST. Have done a fair amount of reading and I just want to make sure I have the basic concept down before starting my first cycle. The only thing I found confusing is the number of sets/reps per exercise. Is it just 1 set for 15/10/5 reps for each exercise or is it a number of reps that I am shooting for (I have seen 30 reps as a goal for several members in here)? Basically meaning 2 sets/3 sets/6 sets respectively for each exercise. This sounds like a ton of volume per week to me, specifically during the 5 rep portion....Thanks for any help.
My workout plan as of now is:

Squats (2x15)
RDL (2x15)
Flat Bench (1x15)
Dips (1x15)
Chins (1x15)
Seated Rows (1x15)
DB Shoulder Press (1x15)
Rear raise (1x15)
BB Shrug (2x15)
DB Curl (2x15)
Tricep Pushdown (1x15)
Standing Calves (2x15)
So Ive read a little more, lol. And 6 sets of 5 especially at a 5RM sounds like pure CNS hell, so I have revised and will do 1x15, 2x10 and 3x5.....Any thoughts on my exercise choices? Too much?
2 sets for each block is fine. If you can get all those lifts done in about an hour, then no problem. If not, drop isos and concentrate on the compounds.
2 sets for each block is fine. If you can get all those lifts done in about an hour, then no problem. If not, drop isos and concentrate on the compounds.

Makes sense, thanks, Im guessing I will be dropping some iso's if an hour is the recommended time frame.
12 exercises seems quite a lot to me. I do 1x12, 1x8, 2x4 then 3x3. I usually get done in around 30-35 mins on my 8´s and 12´s. Then on the 4´s a bit longer then the 3´s are almost taking an hour and I dont fanny around in between sets/exercises. I only do 6 or 7 exercises.
12 exercises seems quite a lot to me. I do 1x12, 1x8, 2x4 then 3x3. I usually get done in around 30-35 mins on my 8´s and 12´s. Then on the 4´s a bit longer then the 3´s are almost taking an hour and I dont fanny around in between sets/exercises. I only do 6 or 7 exercises.

Fanny around, lol.....Ok, thanks, yeah it appears Im going to have to lose the iso movements. Need to keep calves tho as my calves are downright pathetic.
I also read in the HST FAQ somewhere that for each rep block, 2 sets the first week and 1 set the second week is also OK since the first week is lighter weight.
Lately for me:

1 general back: cable rows
1 lats: Pulldowns/pull-ups
1 pecs: machine Flyes
1 triceps: weighted dips
1 shoulders: Arnold press
1 biceps: preacher curls
1 thighs/hips: leg press
1 calves: seated calf raise

2 sets. Takes about an hour when things get heavy. Nothing missing really, but hamstrings, and my hamstrings are big already. Leg curls or Romanian deadlifts would cover those.

I have also done abbreviated routines a lot.
Something like squat / bench / row, or dip/ chin-up / Deadlift.
3 major exercises to cover most of the body, and just do more sets of less exercises. But lately I feel it's better to do more exercises and only 1 or 2 sets, so I can make sure I hypertrophy everything.
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