Newbie's 1st HST Routine

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I have been lifting for over 6 years but just discovered HST. I am trying to set up a program that will burn the most fat as I am about 50 lbs or so over weight. I have read alot of threads on this site and have tried to absorb all the info as best as possible so forgive my ignorance. I think from what I read that 5 or 6 full body workouts per week speed up the metabolism and burn the most energy, so I was thinking of starting there. Here is a prospective routine based on what I read and what exercises I like:

Calf Raises
Incline Bench
Bent Over Rows
Military Press
Bicep Curls
Tricep Presses

I have no idea what volume to use with this routine, nor how to increase it when going from 15rm to 10rm to 5rm. Also, how long do cycles last? When doing the base HST routine, there are 2 week cycles, is that still the same?

I also plan to do 30 minutes of cardio after each workout or a HIIT session; perhaps I'll do HIIT every other day.

My diet will be 300-500 calories below maintenace at around Zone style ratios (40-30-30), with 5 to 6 meals a day. I have read some threads regarding pre and post nutrition meals but I have no clue what that entails.

Finally, I have read about pulsing, load stretching, clustering and other "metabolic" techniques. Again, I have no clue as to what any of those are or what they do. Are any of them helpful for someone doing their 1st HST routine? I'm new to HST but I am an advanced trainee in the sense that I have lifted for over 6 years (mostly Mentzer's HD), so I'm not afraid of triying something painful.

Anyway I know I'm just another newbie asking tons of questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your routine looks ok. If I were you I would find a way to add either dips or flat bench, a pulldown or chin movement, leg curls or SLDL, and lateral raises. You could alternate incline bench w/ dips, rows w/ chins, and military presses w/ lateral raises or just do them all in one workout. If this is your first routine I'd recommend keeping things simple. Just do all the exercises you've chosen 3 days per week 2 sets per exercise and try to do cardio 20-40 minutes on off days. Don't worry about all the "advanced techniques." If your eating at 500 calories below maintenance the weight and fat will come off.