As I know from personal experience, creatine has rather dramatic short term effects: rapid strength and muscle size increases (the latter probably due to hydration), which become evident in a matter of days if you're doing a loading phase. Of course, it's nice to be able to bench 10-20 lbs more instantly. But is that all there is, or are there any proven long-term anabolic effects of creatine? Will it make you gain real muscle tissue besides water retention?
If not, creatine might be the first choice for creating peak shape for a certain event, e.g. a contest. But I don't see why one should use this supplement all the time.
Does anybody have info about long-term anabolic effects of creatine?
If not, creatine might be the first choice for creating peak shape for a certain event, e.g. a contest. But I don't see why one should use this supplement all the time.
Does anybody have info about long-term anabolic effects of creatine?