not soar, increase sets?


New Member
I started my first day of 15s on my first HST cycle this past Mon. I am doing the following m,w,f

Inner Pulldowns
Incline Bench
Stiff Legged Deads
BB Shoulder Press
BB Shrugs
BB Curls
Skull Crushers
Incline Crunches

For monday, I only lifted one set of 15 reps for each exerise. I wasn't soar at all the next day, should I add an extra set, maybe not to 15, just enough to feel more of a pump?

Blaze states the following in the FAQ:

Increase volume if:

You are never sore
You are never tired
You are not growing

what are everyone's thoughts on this?
The first few workouts of the 15's are pretty easy, so you probably won't feel very sore. Make sure you use very strict form and keep the rep speed slow, that may help increase the effectiveness. But yes, you may need to add another set. See how you feel during the second week of 15's.
This is going to depend greatly on your conditioning. It's the burn you are after not soreness, albeit after an SD some do get sore their first workout back, use tempo, contraction hold, pulse reps or whatever to get the burn.

The burn is our friend, embrace the burn, revel in it and feel rewarded.

By the way it's Blade not Blaze, sorry not trying to be ignorant just had to point that out.
thanks for the input guys, I just wanted to make sure that I am not taking it too easy.

i definately get a good pump and a slight burn. the burn is from lactic acid build up?

ill continue to lift to get a good burn/pump...thanks again guys.

blade, sorry if your reading this...didn't mean to call ya blaze at first! makes you sound like a pothead, hah!