[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What about negatives with chins using a bench to get back up to top? or will partials as described below be superior?
Yeah, that works too. It would probably be better than partials since you do have more ROM, and (more importantly) since you can be more aggressive with progressively loading. I prefer that post-5s to last closer to 4 weeks than just the two. Negatives enable me to do that.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]When doing loaded stretches for flyes should I be using the working weight for that day, If I am doing heavy negatives might this weight prove too much? I assume you would hold these LS for 10-20sec only?
Yes, you would only hold it for as long as it takes for the reflex to start. The combination of extreme weight and stretch-point means you're looking at probably 10-30 seconds or so to cause a significant reflex reaction. Of course, these are just guidance values.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]2 x 5 partial chins (cluster as required)
1-2 5RM full range chins
Loaded Stretch: hold 30-60 seconds just short of full extension after last rep of 5RM set.
1 x 15 pull downs (metabolic)
Yup. At some point when the weight really is too heavy, you may consider going from 2x5 to just 5-10 purely clustered reps.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I assume I only need to add metabolic burn sets for the major compound lifts and not (arm curls, skull crushers, lying laterals, shrugs etc?)
Yes. If you wish, you can increase the metabolic stress on certain bodyparts further by using pulses (not pulse stretching.) That would be exercises like tricep pushdowns, machine-based curls, normal laterals, and top-half shrugs with head facing the ceiling. You would eat accordingly as well.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]As for upright rows, how far should you be rowing up for partials? And is it a good idea to loaded stretch them behind the back?
About waistline. You can LS them by holding them behind your back and leaning your upper torso forward.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]ATM I will be doing loaded stretches after the last rep of the following exercises before the high rep set.
Thumbs up to all. LS the calves during 10s. Then switch to PS with the calves when you get to the 5s. They need it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Will performing these LS be overkill on a 6x a week
fullbody routine? What a good LS for hamstrings?
No . . . provided that you don't go all-out with LS.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I assume that with Loaded stretches and a light 15's set for metabolic work I am pretty much covering everything I need to be in the post 5's?
Yes, it's very thorough. Only other issue is whether you actually want to add more metabolic stress to your body. Which leads to . . .
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I get the feeling the load isn't so important as long as I make a attempt to progress it either by adding more pulses or weight?
More or less. And you don't even really need to progress if you don't want to. If everytime you get a good-quality burn, then just stick with that weight and # of reps. If it's too easy or requires way too many pulses, then just increase the weight next time. RBE won't figure into it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I've seen you recommend a short stint of hit cardio after each session, would this be excessive on a 6x full body routine. If not what sort of HIT session would you recommend on a cross trainer? intensity, timing etc.
Yup, I like a little HIIT after the session (5-10 minutes of active HIIT), even on a 6x-a-week program. But, only HIIT if you have access to a true full-body exerciser that won't wear out your legs. Or in other words, look for the exercises with the highest caloric burn rate and use that. If you can't find such, then just do steady state cardio on a bike for 25-30 minutes. If steady-state, make sure to add another 200 calories or so of carbs to your post-WO regimen.
You're going to be driving your body pretty hard. and so the dietary requirements will be unusually extreme. (EFA intake may have to go up too to fight inflammation) Many of these recs were actually formed a few years ago as part of a "What would be a HST program for the ABCDE diet?" hypothetical.
When in the post-5s (which should aspire for 4 weeks or so), think of yourself as an athlete and food as your means of surviving the next session. Because if you don't eat enough, this program will kill ya.