Okay I give up.. what is a neg/negative


New Member
What is a neg/negative? I looked it up, searched everything. Can't find ####.

This term is used as casually as the word "the" but I have no clue what it means in the context if HST. I know it is the last part of a training cycle.

Basically, It's using a weight that is more than your 1 RM. The idea is that the eccentric portion of the lift is easier than the concentric, so to go past your 1 RM, you can still do the eccentric portion of the lift, but you cheat on the concentric.

I'm sure someone else here can give a more intelligible explanation for you though.
To make it more simple, it`s the part of the movement were you lower your weights or go back to starting position. Etc. in bench press it`s the part were the barbell goes down.