Olympic Lifts


New Member
I am wondering if anyone has thought about whether the HST principles (mechanical load, chronic, progressive load, Strategic Deconditioning) can be used with the snatch, clean, overhead squat, and other Olympic auxiliary lifts.

One of the benefits of these complex lifts is the full-body workout effect, and the improvements the make in coordination and flexibility. But the maximum load may be determined by the weakest link (say, lower back strength, or wrist flexibility), so perhaps they do little to encourage hypertrophy in the stronger parts (e.g. legs).

One reason I'm interested is that these lifts are fun, much less repetitive and boring that the standard Nautilus machines, leg press, and so on. Obviously, real Olympic lifters are not seeking hypertrophy, but rather high strength-to-weight, practically the opposite of hypertrophy (it's a weight-class sport). But on the other hand, they do not train according to HST principles either (2 weeks of 15's, 10's, etc.).

If anyone has experience with this, or even just opinions, I'd love to hear.