OT: So, how is everybody?


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Long time no hello, so I figured I'd give you peeps a shout-out.

I just realized that we've been on this board for ~3 years now. I still remember going to the HST forum on thinkmuscle, discussing various aspects of this pre HST-site days. Kind of blows my mind to realize the passage of time.

Anyways, were anyone curious for whatever reason, I'm just trying to finish up my bachelor's degree in biology (I will in December 05) and contemplating where and what grad school to go to (and for what subject, for that matter). My training has shifted more towards the powerlifting end of the spectrum as I decided that lifting heavy stuff was way too much fun.

P.S. It's been way too long since I had an email conversation with Bryan, Dan, or any of you other cats :P

P.P.S. I sincerely hope you're all doing well in training and life :P
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ May 20 2005,11:39)]I decided that lifting heavy stuff was way too much fun.

P.S. It's been way too long since I had an email conversation with Bryan, Dan, or any of you other cats :P
How is that working for ya?

Yes, it has been too long, I've missed your input :confused:
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ May 21 2005,8:36)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ May 20 2005,11:39)]I decided that lifting heavy stuff was way too much fun.
P.S. It's been way too long since I had an email conversation with Bryan, Dan, or any of you other cats :P
How is that working for ya?
Yes, it has been too long, I've missed your input :confused:
Going reasonably well.

After tinkering around using various principles I like (largely from Westside with a touch of abbreviated philosophy ala Dinosaur Training and Mcrobert's stuff), I've largely settled on a routine that looks something like this:

ME = Max Effort - working up to triples, doubles, singles usually
DE = Dynamic Effort - ~50-60% 1 RM aiming for very tight form and speed of movement

Monday - Squats ME + assistance
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - Bench ME + assistance (DE squats too if I'm eating a lot)
Thursday - off
Friday - Deadlift stuff (usually 5x5 or something aiming for tight form) + assistance (sometimes DE Bench)

Assistance is varied, usually intended to bring up the target lift. Overall frequency per muscle group is probably around twice per week based on the assistance stuff I do, more or less.

Real simple, but it helped me bring my squats up from ~275 to 330 and strict bench with pause up from ~240 to 260 over a few months. Deadlifts I've had to partially relearn due to some badly ingrained motor patterns (tendency to let back round and stiff-leg it).

My main priority is actually squats - I even recently built boxes for box squats with my gf that work great. I won't feel like a man until I can squat 400 raw.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ May 22 2005,1:36)]Real simple, but it helped me bring my squats up from ~275 to 330 and strict bench with pause up from ~240 to 260 over a few months.  Deadlifts I've had to partially relearn due to some badly ingrained motor patterns (tendency to let back round and stiff-leg it).

My main priority is actually squats - I even recently built boxes for box squats with my gf that work great.  I won't feel like a man until I can squat 400 raw.
Nice improvements.
Hey Mike, I wondered what happened to you! Last I remember, you ordered "Neuromechanics" and I was dying to hear your input.

Great progress on your lifts there! :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] (NWlifter @ May 22 2005,1:12)]Hey Mike, I wondered what happened to you! Last I remember, you ordered "Neuromechanics" and I was dying to hear your input.
Great progress on your lifts there! :D
Yep, I got the book over Christmas, but I haven't done much but glance it over. For a while, I got out of reading about exercise phys and more into nerding (videogames) and reading school related stuff (e.g. evolutionary biology).

However, I'll be starting to read through that in the short future, and will offer my $.02 where pertinent. I'll have to see if my brain is still capable of complex thought on the matter, as the past few months has been very caveman-ish.

"Ugh, me squat too little. Squat more next time. Squat more good."
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ May 22 2005,6:21)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (NWlifter @ May 22 2005,1:12)]Hey Mike, I wondered what happened to you! Last I remember, you ordered "Neuromechanics" and I was dying to hear your input.
Great progress on your lifts there! :D
Yep, I got the book over Christmas, but I haven't done much but glance it over.  For a while, I got out of reading about exercise phys and more into nerding (videogames) and reading school related stuff (e.g. evolutionary biology).
However, I'll be starting to read through that in the short future, and will offer my $.02 where pertinent.  I'll have to see if my brain is still capable of complex thought on the matter, as the past few months has been very caveman-ish.
"Ugh, me squat too little.  Squat more next time.  Squat more good."
Sometimes a 'brain break' is good! When you do get to reading, don't forget to let me know, I'd love to hear your input :D

I think it's almost a crime DKM doesn't have the book too, with his supercomputer brain and all those studies he's digested, he could assimulate that book like the Borg would an uncivilized planet LOL

(your see that Dan? heheh)

Yeah, I see that. But I was too busy LMAO at Michael's
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Ugh, me squat too little. Squat more next time. Squat more good."

By the way that was Enoka who wrote that?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ May 22 2005,11:18)]Yeah, I see that. But I was too busy LMAO at Michael's
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Ugh, me squat too little. Squat more next time. Squat more good."
By the way that was Enoka who wrote that?

Great to hear you are back, and also that one more mate is engaging the biology route. :D

Hope you make a decision that'll make you happy for future endeavours, some of the biology professions out there are way overlooked and underpaid, not to mention hardly understood

Yo, you're making me jealous with the progress there, I have yet to get over my 125 Kg squat (+/- 278 Lb) and 110 Kg bench (+/- 244 Lb), but that is not serious, I still consider that quite good as I only weigh 67 Kg (148.88 Lb) so I am not doing too bad.

And all this due to HST, hey I'll confess
I have used some tricks before like X-size, etc. But man, always back to HST, there is where it is at

I have also done some improvements with my last cycle and believe me...alone...with only my 15 year old son helping out with the negs, much to Mom's contradiction, but who on earth is going to stop a "muscle head's determination and planning?"

Eh, eh

I must agree with you, some exercises keep chasing one down life's pathway, don't they? The dealift - getting close to Dr. Columbu's lift? The squat - equalling or at least challenging Drapper's squat performance? All goals some achievable and some not, but they sure keep one going!

Ciao mate
[b said:
Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ May 22 2005,8:18)]Yeah, I see that. But I was too busy LMAO at Michael's
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Ugh, me squat too little.  Squat more next time.  Squat more good."
By the way that was Enoka who wrote that?
I didn't know if I should laugh or throw him some raw meat!
Getting close to the 300/400/500 level. Good going.

I'm curious to know if switching to a strength routine has cost you any size? Are you doing any drop sets?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ectoman @ May 24 2005,5:16)]Getting close to the 300/400/500 level. Good going.
I'm curious to know if switching to a strength routine has cost you any size? Are you doing any drop sets?
To be honest, I got bigger powerlifting than I ever did bodybuilding. Arms grew over half an inch a piece within months of switching.

I still employ HST logic to cut for summer, but I'm pretty much sold on powerlifting at this point in my life. It's just way too much fun. And you get to eat better!