Pain in the knee's!


New Member
My father has been having pretty heavy aches and pains in his knees for a while now. He said the joints in his knees hurt so bad last night that it interupted his sleep and had to take some aspirin to heal the pain. I'm assuming that his work contributes a lot to this, as he stands on his feet all day, runs here and there, and neals down a lot during his 12-14 hour days. Does anyone have any ideas as ways to help his problem? Any helpful input is great, thanks!
I was having some pain in the joints in my shoulders, so starting taking glucosamine after talking to my pharmacist... I think it worked pretty well, maybe give that a shot. I do sometimes wonder if I'm just a victim of the placebo effect though, but I keep taking it, and it seems that when I forget to take it the pain/strained feeling does come back...
Advise him to see a doctor and have his knees examined. Also consult with a physiotherapist perhaps for some exercises or stretching or something.

dunno just guessin
If there's a bit of fluid in the knee joint, causing a slight patella tracking dysfunction, one remedy (avoiding the ol' syringe) is to sit on the floor; legs out straight. Whilst in this position try to push the knees down to the floor, using leg muscle power alone. Your Dad'll find the joint feels tighter.

If kneeling's part of his job - this may be a case for Health & Safety (or your equiv.) to investigate... so send him to the Dr.s regardless!

consult a physician! i had knee pains for a bout a month, then went to the physician. there i learned that i'm flat footed and that what caused my knee pains. i therefore had to wear arch support. maybe ur dad is flat footed too