Patellar Tendonitis


New Member
I have patellar tendonitis, aka jumper's knee. What do you recommend I do (besides rest) to heal it as quickly as possible? Is it possible to continue training and playing while I'm healing?
Eccentric training. Stay away from activities that excarcerbate the problem. Be prepared for a long period of healing/rehab.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (haskan @ Sep. 07 2004,5:22)]Eccentric training. Stay away from activities that excarcerbate the problem. Be prepared for a long period of healing/rehab.
Why eccentric training?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BIGBANGSingh @ Sep. 07 2004,1:11)]Why eccentric training?
Eccentric-ONLY training has shown great promise in tendon remodeling.

If you combined that with sulfur-donating substances, as well as super-high-rep sets with very light resistance to induce lactate production and promote blood reaching the area, as well as possible synovial fluid kinetics changes, you could have a nicely effective therapy.
training- keep the force at 90degrees to the lower leg which will help keep the shear forces off the knee.

Ultrasound may help. If you live in Canada I can direct you to a clinic that can help greatly.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (George @ Sep. 07 2004,9:01)]training- keep the force at 90degrees to the lower leg which will help keep the shear forces off the knee.
Perhaps you meant something other than what you typed.

Sorry to hear that, BigBang. I'd like to suggest something else- I don't know if you're being followed by a sports medicine doctor for this, but you should be. PT is a pretty common condition, and usually quite treatable non-surgically, but your rehab should have some direction to it. Personally, I wouldn't do any lifting until I checked with my doc about a program to get me lifting again. In case you haven't seen this, you might check it out for some general information:

Heal well, dude!