Paused Deads

Looks like you got a good burn mate?

I'm not great with deads - I blame it on being too tall (!)
Are they 'sumo' deads or regular?

Looks like a fair bit of stress on your lower back, which is what would worry me?

I'm starting back with squats this week - taking it easy after a slipped disc back in May. I'm thinking of alternating with deads?
Which should I try?

Any advice appreciated.


Hey Quad, like I said on the vid comments, if you only do paused reps for the activation set and then do regular reps for the Myo sets that might help a bit. Of course, Myo's for deads are always going to be tougher than say for bench because of their holistic effect.

Brix: Those are 'Sumo's in Quad's vid. I always feel that 'Sumo's are a bit kinder on the lower back than regular deads as you can maintain a more upright torso; shoulders are effectively a bit closer to hips at the start of the lift (ie. if you drop a vertical line from each and take distance between along the horizontal).

Taller folks tend to prefer sumo style deads but not always. If you introduce them just be careful. Start out light for a single set (say ~50% 1RM) and see how you feel the next day.

Oh, I vote for a full-on beard to compliment the tash!  
Allright you  buttheads, I'll change something! But last time I shaved off the 'stache, I looked like a monkey! I'm thinking of returning to the goatee much-favored by powerlifters here. Wife wants it, but I warned her, it's only comes in GREY anymore!
My favorite was my handlebar, but she hates it. Pic is from '04.

...I tried SLDL's with MyoReps when we first saw them...had to advance to all 20 second rests and still barely made it.
thats definetly a no no
you didnt have a pair of crotchless leather pants on in that photo did you