I chanced upon a book "The Omega Rx Zone" by Barry Sears in the bookstore today.
Didnt have much time to read in depth into it. But from what i can gather flipping through the pages, the approach seem to revolve around using high dose pharmaceutical grade fish oil.
The book worship fish oil and has highlighted several of its benefits. I am not disputing whether it is hype or not. We all know fish oil work. 2 things caught my attention:
1) Sears advocate the use of high dose fish oil, BUT only with pharmaceutical grade fish oil. He says that most of the fish oil on the market contain toxic materials and supplementation at high dose only make matters worse. 2 fish oil suppliers in USA are listed as the only places to have fish oil that meets the pharmaceutical criteria. One of them is searslab, which i think, could possibly be run by him. If his claims are true, i am thinking of getting the pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Its also because i can get a higher amount of EPA/DHA per tablespoon.
2) Also, he claim high levels of insulin oblierate the fish oil, which is also the reason the Zone diet in the book is focusing more on fruits and vegetables as carbs than grains. How then can it taken during bulking (when high levels of insulin are suppose to be the key to gaining mass)??
Also, i thought fish oil is better to be taken with a good amount of carbs to prevent the liver from oxidising it, so that it can be absorbed into adipose tissue??
P.S: I figured vicious would be particularly interested in this and in a good position to comment on this. Sears boy.....
Didnt have much time to read in depth into it. But from what i can gather flipping through the pages, the approach seem to revolve around using high dose pharmaceutical grade fish oil.
The book worship fish oil and has highlighted several of its benefits. I am not disputing whether it is hype or not. We all know fish oil work. 2 things caught my attention:
1) Sears advocate the use of high dose fish oil, BUT only with pharmaceutical grade fish oil. He says that most of the fish oil on the market contain toxic materials and supplementation at high dose only make matters worse. 2 fish oil suppliers in USA are listed as the only places to have fish oil that meets the pharmaceutical criteria. One of them is searslab, which i think, could possibly be run by him. If his claims are true, i am thinking of getting the pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Its also because i can get a higher amount of EPA/DHA per tablespoon.
2) Also, he claim high levels of insulin oblierate the fish oil, which is also the reason the Zone diet in the book is focusing more on fruits and vegetables as carbs than grains. How then can it taken during bulking (when high levels of insulin are suppose to be the key to gaining mass)??
Also, i thought fish oil is better to be taken with a good amount of carbs to prevent the liver from oxidising it, so that it can be absorbed into adipose tissue??
P.S: I figured vicious would be particularly interested in this and in a good position to comment on this. Sears boy.....