Pimp My HST eBook


New Member
I was doing a Google search for HST Arm Specialization, and one of the results was a link to latest version of the Pimp My HST eBook. I’ve attached the pdf to this post (hope it works).

I was wondering if anyone who has read this eBook would like to start a discussion about the techniques presented there. We can either do it here on the forum, or offline via email or IM or Google+…whatever.

I’m on my third read of the book. It is beginning to make sense, but there are some things about which I still have questions. I would love to go through it chapter by chapter with someone who is also reading it or has read it, to really understand the concepts presented.

I consider myself pretty advanced with HST. I’ve been using it about 90% of the time over the last 10-12 years, with great success in size AND strength gains. I guess I’m looking for some advanced techniques that might help push my gains a bit farther…I feel I’ve plateaued, especially with my arms.

P.S. - In doing a search here on the forum for this HST eBook, I came across a post of mine from 2009. This old post was in reference to a DIFFERENT Pimp My HST book that I downloaded years ago. The one I an referring to in this new post is obviously an updated version of the book. It deals with advanced techniques for specialization.


Well I read a good portion of that and it's pretty in depth. I will say as a novice lifter a lot of that information does not apply to me. I am still seeing good growth from simple linear progression and I can within an hour of working out cap out on accumulated fatigue without having to do drop sets, pulses, HIIT etc after my workout. If anything I am always looking for new ways to recover faster rather than induce greater muscle fatigue/stimulus.