Please critique my new programme


Well-Known Member
I am about to take delivery of a power rack etc (no dumbells yet) so will be training at home in the future as my 16 year old son wants to start training - my new routine will be split into am and pm training splitting the body into Chest, Shoulder & Triceps / Back & Biceps / Legs with 2 routines for each split as follows

Chest, Shoulder & Triceps - A) Barbell Flat Bench, Barbell Standing Military Press & Dips (weighted where necessary) - B) Barbell Decline Bench, Landmine Press & Dips (weighted where necessary)
Back & Biceps - A) Dead Lifts, Neutral Grip Pull Ups (weighted where necessary) & Barbell Curls - B) Barbell Rows, Wide Grip Pull Ups (weighted where necessary) & Barbell Curls
Legs - A) Front Squat, SLDL & Standing Barbell Calf Raises - B) Rear Squat, SLDL & Standing Barbell Calf Raises

Weeks 1 & 2 - 15 Reps x 2 sets (clusters when required)
Weeks 3 & 4 - 10 Reps x 2 sets (clusters when required)
Weeks 5 & 6 - 5 Reps x 3 sets (clusters when required)
Following weeks - 5 Reps x 2 sets with 3rd set @ 70% of 1RM to almost failure

I intend to train Mon am & pm, Tues am, Wed am & pm. Thurs am, Fri am &pm, Sat am with rest day on Sunday but have seen on other threads about training each body part every 36 hours so on the above routine that would mean training Mon to Sat am & pm with rest day on Sunday - will the 36 hours option be too taxing on the CNS.

Also how long should my son train for before he is ready for HST
Good selection of exercises and an appropriate split, imo. You seem to plan to train 4 1/2 times per week. Why not just make it 4 times per week? Easier to keep track of and your frequency will still be high enough for good protein synthesis. Even every other day AM/PM would be fine and keep you in that magical 48 hour period.

Others may disagree, but I think HST is just fine for beginners as long as they have learned proper lifting technique so as not to get injured during the 5's. You might want to spend a week with him with an unweighted bar or even a broom handle until his form is near perfect. And get after his butt if he loses that form to squiggle heavy weights up!

Try not to be too jealous as his untrained and hormone raging body grows!

Have fun!

O&G :cool:
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