Post 5s


New Member
Instead of doing negatives, I am hoping to up the weight a bit throughout the post 5s of my 2nd cycle. I have been doing vanilla HST i.e 1x15, 2x10, 3x5..

My question is, if I up the weight, should I aim to continue doing 3x5?
Yep try to keep the volume the same, and up weight every few workouts as possible. When gains stop or your joints give you trouble, SD.
I agree with Peak_Power.

I'd add that 15 reps total is more important than 3 sets of 5. Less than that may not be very productive. So if you have to cluster or use Max-Stim to get the 15 reps in, that's ok as long as your joints feel ok.
if you up the weight and find doing 3 to difficult drop to 2 sets and on the 2nd set do a drop or metabolic set of say 10 reps that way you get your 15 plus an extra 5