Postworkout drink late at night


New Member
Sometimes my schedule forces me to work out late, at around 9 or 10. That makes my postworkout drink my last meal of the day unless I choose to stay up really late, which I don't. In this case am I okay or would I be better off with another option, like having a smaller postworkout drink followed shortly by a regular meal? Thanks.
You should definitely try to get in a solid meal before bed. A postworkout drink will not last you through the night.
Hi Mdhan,
like you i sometimes have to workout late( 21.30-22.30)
when i take a shake immediately afterwards, its too much forcefeeding to get in another meal ( my first "normal" meal after working out consists of 250 grams of grilled steak, fresh salad and virgin olive oil, plus a cup of brown rice, taken an hour after the postworkoutshake) at 23.30 ( one hour after postworkoutshake)
I am able to get in the meal allright, but to go to bed afterwards and to be able to sleep ( or other bedtime- things ) is quite difficult because my stomach is full. a mean FULL.

what does work ( with me that is ) is in that case to forget about the shake and forget about the meal as well.
instead you take a 450 grams ( 1 pound ) portion of cottage cheese and put some musli ( dont know the english word for that ) and raisins in there. Supplies you with about 60 grams of slowly digested protein, some complex carbs and small amount of fat.
and it wont stuff you.
