Pre and Post Workout Shakes


New Member
Hey guys here are a couple of questions:

1. I am going to get my Primer / Driver protien tubs in today and was looking for some suggestions on what exactly i should / shouldn't do. I am also going to start taking creatine (Pure creatine monohydrate) tomorrow and was wondering if I could, or if it where wise to, mix it with my pre workout shake? Or should I just take the creatine in some powerade then after drink the Primer before workout.

-Just so you know I workout at 5:30am so the primer will be the first thing in the stomache, hence the reason I bought it.

2. Another thing is a terminiology question I have read people talking about PWO, PO shakes. How can you tell the diffrence between Pre and Post with these abbreviations?


pre workout + is that exercise increases creatin uptake, drawback is that creatine can make you feel sick during could also take it post workout when u usally consume more simple carbs that may also help with uptake