Project: sufr


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Howdy y'all.

Anyways, summer time is just about here. So, that means Mike has to turn it up a notch so he can appear shirtless on a beach without being dumped by his girlfriend.

Leading up to this summer, I've been following a powerlifting routine while slowly modifying my diet and introducing some cardio to lean out a bit, which has worked fairly well, leaving me ~173 lbs and already halfway lean.

However, I'm in the process of 9 days of deconditioning in preparation for ~8 weeks of a project I call "sufr."

Last summer, I created a variation of an HST routine that incorporated the following concepts:

* Unusually high protein intake and CKD style refeeds on weekends
* Lots of HIIT
* Every ~36 hours frequency per muscle group]
* Use of negatives in chins/dips at that frequency at not super high volume
* Use of weighted stretches ala DC style training (particularly for chest/lats)

The end result was a program that barely had me ahead of the overtraining curve. However, it worked so well to preserve mass that I'm going to give it another go, using the same principles. In fact, I actually seemed more muscular after this routine last summer than before, and in the least held onto all my muscle and maintained more while dieting than I've ever managed to before.

Couple of pics of end-result of that:



So, my idea this time around is to keep some of the heavy powerlifting-y stuff, introduces negatives, and maintain the frequency. Doing that without overtraining or killing myself is obviously a concern, but I settled on something like this (note: where you see a "/" I am doing one part of the routine early, one late).

Monday - A / B
Tuesday - HIIT / A
Wednesday - B / HIIT
Thursday - A / B
Friday - HIIT / A
Saturday - B
Sunday - off

Routine A:
Squats (alternated with rack pulls)
2 x 3
Quad Stretch (still need to find a good one - DC's is kind of confusing)
Cable Rows (avoid lower back fatigue)
2 x 5
Biceps Stretch (no direct arm work, this may help a little)
Military Press
2 x 3

Routine B:
Negative Chins
2 x 3
Weighted Lat Stretch ~30-60 secs
Negative Dips
2 x 3
Floor Press
1 x 3 (maybe 2 x 3? Trying to keep it low)
Weighted Chest Stretch ~30-60 secs
Calf Raises
whatever - use deep stretches and slow eccentrics for each rep

This is on the very low side of volume. I'll try this at first, and consider introducing a set for certain exercises. Weekly volume won't be too bad as stuff is getting hit 4 times per week even with low volume per session, and the working tension will be VERY high. Note: no direct arm work as of yet. I ended up not needing anything for arms last summer, and I suspect I won't need much now either.

Load progression will be played by ear, but I'm not going to push maxes right off the bat - very clean reps on everything, and I'll try to work up to maxes over a couple/few weeks, always stay shy of failure, then slowly increment the weights for the remainder of the time.

Style on negative reps is fairly slow (3-4 secs per rep, LOTS of control per rep, aim for killer stretch).

So, my two primary concerns are 1) don't kill myself or overtrain and 2) still get enough volume per session to instantiate growth.

Anyways, that's my proposed routine a nutshell. As to the name 'sufr?'

Well, I usually come up with goofy acronyms for my training variations. Last year I came up with the "ultimate f***ing routine" as a variation of westside that helped me gain a lot of strength. This one I dubbed the "super ultimate f***ing routine." And the acronym made me laugh, as it's quite appropriate, and should describe how I'll be feeling for 8 weeks :P
SUFR Love it!

I'm trying something similar, in regards to load, but even less volume and frequency, once or twice a week. So it's really not that similar I guess ;) Maybe I'll call it Lazy A$$ Summer Routine: LASR
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dood @ May 27 2005,8:36)]SUFR Love it!

I'm trying something similar, in regards to load, but even less volume and frequency, once or twice a week. So it's really not that similar I guess ;) Maybe I'll call it Lazy A$$ Summer Routine: LASR

Mine is slightly over the top, but I really think it will be managable, particularly as the load for negatives will probably be such that I'm using around ~8-10 negative RM for only 3 reps a pop at the start.

The default cardio may also be a bit much (three days a week of HIIT on top of 6 days of lifting = ouch, even at reduced volume lifting), so I may not go into that full force. Maybe start with two HIIT sessions per week.

And nice - LASR!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ May 27 2005,11:48)]Sooooooooooooooooo, Mikey, when are you gonna make an honest women out of that girl friend of yours? :confused:
Dude, marriage is for people that are old and gray!
Mikey, I was wondering if you plan on doing any higher rep metabolic work as well, or do you think the HIIT will take care of that?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dood @ May 27 2005,7:39)]Mikey, I was wondering if you plan on doing any higher rep metabolic work as well, or do you think the HIIT will take care of that?
I was just thinking about exactly this, actually.

There's obviously some benefit to doing metabolic-y stuff in terms of both instantiating growth and nutrient partitioning. But top priority is heavy @$$ weights - worked like a charm last year to keep muscle, so that's my #1 priority.

One thought I had was to see how this goes, and consider throwing in a light-ish, high rep set for each muscle group at some point. But otherwise, I'm totally open to suggestions.
@Mike: Do you recall the 2-week experiment last summer?

I have recently developed an excellent variation. Catch me on AIM sometime.
A single set @ 15RM for a bench/pressing exercise, rowing/pulldown and leg press ought to take care of the metabolic work yeh? Maybe pulse a bit as well?