Question about chest growth for next cycle

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I have gained A LOT during my first cycle of HST (can't thank you enough bryan ). My arms increased by 1", traps got bigger, back muscle, basically my overall appearance has grown...except for one thing: my chest. It is still small compared to everything else. I'm not saying HST helped my chest gains...I started out before HST maxing out at 145 but after, it came out to be 185. Thats a 40lb increase!!! But the thing is, is that it's not "showing" the growth I gained :/ .

For my chest during the first cycle, I used Incline BB press. But after seeing that my chest didn't grow much from it, I was deciding if i should switch it from Incline BB bench press to a Incline DB press (with Flat DB Flys).
I was wondering if this would be a safe and OK switch.

Any reply appreciated.
You have made great gains. And the increase in bench is awsome. Just wait for your 8th cycle!!! That said you can switch. It is not dangerious. I switch back and forth. It will take you a few days to get used to the switch (no matter which way you are switching) The 15s help in this. You will lift a little less with DBs. Go for the deep "dig" (stretch) at the bottom of the lift. In addition to switching:

1) Do your chest work first thing in your workout.

2) Do Dips or decline bench. (this is key) and you will lift more with these.

3) You should try the loaded strech flys (a la vicious)

4) Eat Eat Eat

But I have found different muscles tend to grow in different cycles. It just happens that way.

You are on your way just stay the course.

Bob :confused:
Safe? Sure.

Better? Yup.

But I would recommend that you switch the flyes to dips if possible. More compound than flyes and will complement the inclines by stressing the lower pecs while the inclines stress the upper pecs.

I also like DB inclines over BB inclines because of the ability to stretch more.
Old Bob Evans and I must be on the same wave length as it seems we were typing the same type of message simultaneously.
Just two old goats I guess.
O & G is older than I am (but he has a better body)

I will agree with O & G again (inspite of his insult) D B inclines are better. You get a better stretch AND you need to stablize the weights so you are doing more work (hence the fact you lift less) I used to switch mid HST cycle (which I do not recomend) Why did I switch mid cycle??? DB inclines get tricky once you start going heavy (say about 220# total) I have to have someone hand them to me. And for a while my gym only had 100lb dumbels so I would switch in the end of my 10s.

On second thought--- I am not sure if I would do the loaded fly stretches (vicious) yet. I would wait till you start benching over 220#s and hit a plateau -- then do them. You will get all the stretch you need for now from the DB inclines.

So in other words --hold off on them for a few weeks!!!

Don't feel bad Bob. I call my wife the old BAT. I have her convinced it means 'Beautiful And Terrific!' Which she is.
That's better than 'Grouchy Old And Tired!'