G'day vicious, gonna be finishing 5's soon, working out 6x a week. Still feeling quite fresh and ready for negs. You suggested to be once to do partial strong range rows/chins.
Say my 5RM was 20kg + bw chins, how would i move onto strong range partials?
belt up 22.5kg and do (2 sets) 5 reps to eye level (and keep incrementing every second workout or so) followed by a set with 5RM and a light set of pulldowns for metabolic work?
Should I end the cycle when I hit failure on this method or should I start clustering my reps at that point?
With clustering how long should I rest between attempts?
eg if my target reps are 5 per set (2 sets) and I get 3 on first go, what sort of rest is appropriate before attempting the next two? I know there is nothing exact about this but I am just looking for a general recommendation I can apply to my exercises (since I will be clustering almost everything cept chins and rows since I have no spotter).
Say my 5RM was 20kg + bw chins, how would i move onto strong range partials?
belt up 22.5kg and do (2 sets) 5 reps to eye level (and keep incrementing every second workout or so) followed by a set with 5RM and a light set of pulldowns for metabolic work?
Should I end the cycle when I hit failure on this method or should I start clustering my reps at that point?
With clustering how long should I rest between attempts?
eg if my target reps are 5 per set (2 sets) and I get 3 on first go, what sort of rest is appropriate before attempting the next two? I know there is nothing exact about this but I am just looking for a general recommendation I can apply to my exercises (since I will be clustering almost everything cept chins and rows since I have no spotter).