Hi I am 34 and I am new to HST and I am very interested to this training method but I have a couple questions, since I plan to try the method when I am back to the gym next week. I just took a week off after 12 weeks of heavy and intense training
I am from the old school, I did 9-12 sets(5-8reps) per bodypart,on a 3 day split, 4 times a week
I had good results but I am looking for something better to reach full muscle growth, because training that heavy all the time is very difficult for my articulations
Hera are the questions:
1- Since we only reach the max RM on the the last workout of each 2 week cycle, (15s,10s,5s,negs), it means that the first 3 to 4 workout(out of 6) will be relatively low intensity workout,thus not reaching failure
for example: I use 90lbs dumbells when I do incline dumbell press for 5 reps, so if i take off 5% (about 5lbs) for the first five workout it will look like this:w.o.1-65lbs w.o.2-70lbs w.o.3-75lbs w.o.4-80lbs w.o.5-85lbs w.o.6-90lbs
will the 4 first workout be productive?
2-Do I have to use slow and strict form to raise intensity and come to failure, in order to compensate for the lighter weights
3-Can I use supersets,dropsets,forced reps etc. at anytime or Do I have to keep it for the last 2 week cycle (5s or negatives) ,just before taking a week off
I plan to work the whole body 3 times a week and do about about 2 sets per exercise and maybe use a split routine the next time I do the whole 8 weeks cycle
answers would be greatly appreciated!
I am from the old school, I did 9-12 sets(5-8reps) per bodypart,on a 3 day split, 4 times a week
I had good results but I am looking for something better to reach full muscle growth, because training that heavy all the time is very difficult for my articulations
Hera are the questions:
1- Since we only reach the max RM on the the last workout of each 2 week cycle, (15s,10s,5s,negs), it means that the first 3 to 4 workout(out of 6) will be relatively low intensity workout,thus not reaching failure
for example: I use 90lbs dumbells when I do incline dumbell press for 5 reps, so if i take off 5% (about 5lbs) for the first five workout it will look like this:w.o.1-65lbs w.o.2-70lbs w.o.3-75lbs w.o.4-80lbs w.o.5-85lbs w.o.6-90lbs
will the 4 first workout be productive?
2-Do I have to use slow and strict form to raise intensity and come to failure, in order to compensate for the lighter weights
3-Can I use supersets,dropsets,forced reps etc. at anytime or Do I have to keep it for the last 2 week cycle (5s or negatives) ,just before taking a week off
I plan to work the whole body 3 times a week and do about about 2 sets per exercise and maybe use a split routine the next time I do the whole 8 weeks cycle
answers would be greatly appreciated!