
New Member
Hi I am 34 and I am new to HST and I am very interested to this training method but I have a couple questions, since I plan to try the method when I am back to the gym next week. I just took a week off after 12 weeks of heavy and intense training
I am from the old school, I did 9-12 sets(5-8reps) per bodypart,on a 3 day split, 4 times a week
I had good results but I am looking for something better to reach full muscle growth, because training that heavy all the time is very difficult for my articulations

Hera are the questions:

1- Since we only reach the max RM on the the last workout of each 2 week cycle, (15s,10s,5s,negs), it means that the first 3 to 4 workout(out of 6) will be relatively low intensity workout,thus not reaching failure

for example: I use 90lbs dumbells when I do incline dumbell press for 5 reps, so if i take off 5% (about 5lbs) for the first five workout it will look like this:w.o.1-65lbs w.o.2-70lbs w.o.3-75lbs w.o.4-80lbs w.o.5-85lbs w.o.6-90lbs
will the 4 first workout be productive?

2-Do I have to use slow and strict form to raise intensity and come to failure, in order to compensate for the lighter weights

3-Can I use supersets,dropsets,forced reps etc. at anytime or Do I have to keep it for the last 2 week cycle (5s or negatives) ,just before taking a week off

I plan to work the whole body 3 times a week and do about about 2 sets per exercise and maybe use a split routine the next time I do the whole 8 weeks cycle

answers would be greatly appreciated!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (lace5555 @ April 09 2005,8:03)]1- will the 4 first workout be productive?
2-Do I have to use slow and strict form  to raise intensity and come to failure, in order to compensate for the lighter weights
3-Can I use supersets,dropsets,forced reps etc. at anytime
1. IF you SD'd properly, yes, they will be somewhat effective at inducing hypertrophy. The 15's are used more for strengthening and prepping connective tissue than for hypertrophy per se, but you may see some growth.

2. If the weights are too easy during the 15's yes, use slower reps and other methods to increase the burn in the muscle, not necessarily the intensity. Also remember Intensity is a measurement of load not how hard you work. Your sweat output has little to do with it. You shouldn't be hitting failure, again your aim is the deep burn in the muscle during the 15's, as you near your RM for each range you will possibly hit failure.

3. Supersets, Dropsets are fine and even prescribed, I wouldn't use forced reps as they are too taxing on the CNS and may inhibit your ability to apply the adequate frequency.

Read the FAQ on

Rep SPeed

Drop Sets and High Rep sets

Submaximal Traiing, why not train to failure all the time
Lace, I suggest taking another week off. To be really effective, HST requires that your muscles be deconditioned. Since you were on a high volume, low frequency program, I would suggest a 2 week SD period before starting HST. Then, depending on the length of your HST cycles, you can SD in the future for periods as short as one week to decondition.