Relatively experienced lifter new to HST.


New Member
New to HST training, 19 years old but pretty much made my noob gains, have some fairly strong lifts ( 350 squat 300 ish bench 400 deadlift) and a little muscle. I've read the e-book many times, and i was wondering if i should try myo reps even though there is no mention of them. If experienced HSTers could chime in that would be helpful. Need to diet at some point but i'm still fairly lean and building my foundation.

Bit of a rubbish photo but here's where i am now.

Thanks. I've read many posts on this website and am looking to contribute to the forum. Using myo reps, could you just plug the numbers into the HST calculator and use those weights?

Not really sure if it's worth starting out doing myo-reps or doing clusters instead.
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First of all, two things: youre looking good and I wish I was 19 when I had discovered HST!

Check out Old&greys post in the "if bryan could re-write hst in 2014 what would he change?" thread. He writes how he implements myo-reps into his scheme, which is pretty much how I do except I seem to do more volume/reps at each workout as he works out more days per week than me. Ive only recently re-started using myo-reps and I love them.

So read that thread/post first. Go to the last (6th) page.
Cheers man. Will do. Does Bryan Haycock post on here much? It looks pretty simple actually, I'm surprised.
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Youre welcome.

He has only recently started posting again. He never posted in the previous year, until a couple of weeks ago. Good with his input (again).
For an HST cycle with myo-reps, i still can use the weights from the HST calculator, right? I was just looking at some of his posts, he trains pretty high volume now it seems.
You look good Brah. If I were you with your physique and was 19 years old, I think I would go with a simple HST program and BULK. You likely have the T levels to make great muscular gains that way. I personally consider myo reps a refinement tool for more advanced lifters who are not looking to bulk up but improve their muscularity. Muscular bulk is what you want now. Once you get the bulk, you can always trim down and get more defined with techniques like myo reps. Remember, muscles have memories and you need to take advantage of building them while you can. I would guess that you have about 4 years left in making stupendous gains that way. Then when you cut and use something like myo reps, you are going to pop!
Wow thanks man. Great advice. Yeah , I am still not fully developed yet muscular wise and bodily wise. I'll take your advice. Thanks v much for explaining that.
I agree with O&G. Bulk like a mofo. I don't think you 'need' anything like myo reps at this stage. Your 'noob' gains are made, sure, but your 'I'm still only 19 and have 5-6 crazy anabolic years left in me' gains are nowhere near done. I'm recently 30 and making massive gains still, I'd kill to be 19 again and know what I know now.

Frankly, I'd be going for a very straight forward routine that focuses on big compounds and doesn't get you caught up in bringing every little detail up. There's not a lot to be gained right now (for you) in trying to bring up your middle delts with specialisation (for instance), when you have enough T floating in your system to probably hit a 500 deadlift in the next 6 months (if not sooner).
Will do. That will be the plan. I'm doing a cycle of smolov for squat at the moment then i'll SD and come up with a compound based HST routine. Yes, you're right - compounds are the way to go. It's good to hear that i can make gains naturally for the next 10-12 years.
Your pecs are already looking pretty advanced, good job!

I don't think you need MyoReps. Just do HST, and get jacked! I like to stay in the 5-10 rep range pretty much all the time. And volume varies depending on how I feel. At your age, pump up the volume and get several sets in per exercise, and eat a shit-ton.