Rep cycling


New Member
Hello! I've read here about doing 15, 10 and 5 reps in the same week instead of in 2 week blocks and I like the idea (seems more fun). So monday 15s, wednesday 10s and fridays 5's. But if I have understood HST right, hypertrophy comes because your muscle lift heavier weights each time you go to the gym after a SD. But if I do it the other way, on friday I always lift more weight than the next monday and even if I'm getting closer to my maxes every time I train I just don't understand how the muscle "feel" that progressive overload if I'm training with different weights throughout the week even though I'm using different rep ranges.
Can someone more experienced in HST explain it to me? Thank you in advance.
Different reps have been shown to work different types of muscle fibers. Therefore, each muscle fiber type is theoretically getting a heavier load each week when using a different rep scheme each day. That, to me, seems to be better than bunching exercising different muscle fiber types into two week cycles. It appears to take better advantage of frequency in training which is one of the principles of HST. There is some limited science to back this up but not a whole lot. I just consider it a refinement of periodization.

That is a rather simplistic explanation because in reality all muscle fibers get worked to some extent at all rep ranges. The rep range chosen merely determines which fiber type will work primarily and which secondarily. A lot of research has been done concerning muscle fiber types but the results are not always consistent so it still is somewhat of a guess.

If that does not confuse you enough, let me know and I will try harder.

O&G :cool:
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I agree with O&G. I think it improves on the "frequency" aspect of training. I would suggest you try it for a cycle and see what you think.
Not that I disagree with above, but another facet of the 15s is that they are effective after an SD at promoting growth and it provides time (combined with the SD) to heal up any injuries from the 5s and maxes. I've been considering doing something like 15/10 Monday 10/5 on Wednesday and 5/5 (or 15 if I felt I needed a deload) on Friday. But I haven't solved (or even tested) the effects of going up to 5s after an SD. That being said I think I am over thinking it since nothing has plateaued (other than my desire to cut).
Thanks for the replies. After the SD the muscle is deconditioned so that ligher loads can promote hypertrophy but If I lift e.g. 80kg for 15 reps on monday and then 100kg for 5 reps on friday, Is my muscle still deconditioned for the next 15 rep day with 85 kg?
I know I'm overthinking things, but I think discussing is good to learn.
Yes because, in general, and according to science nerds, your muscle is made up of different types of fibers that respond differently to lighter versus heavier weights. Try it and see how you respond. Everybody is different. The trick is finding what works best and most efficiently for you. If it doesn't feel right you can always go back.
Plus it will take more than that for RBE to kick in.

They only way you will know how it works for you is, as O & G said, to try it and see.