Rep max progression inside of block


New Member
Lets say my ten rep max is 180 lbs.

For the 2x10 block I did this:

Day 1 - 155
Day 2 - 160
Day 3 - 165
Day 4 - 170
Day 5 - 175
Day 6 - 180(RM)

and then instead of moving on to the 2x5 block I did this:

Day 7 -165
Day 8 -175
Day 9 -185(new RM)
Day 10 - 170
Day 11 - 180
Day 12 - 190(new RM)
Day 13 - 175
Day 14 - 185
Day 15 - 195(new RM)

and then I continue onto the 2x5 block(and possibly follow a similar format).

Assuming that I have the strength gains to accomplish this do you think it would be a good idea? Has anyone ever tried this?
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Sorry about not being super specific but yes that is what I was trying to get at, day 7-15 is over a 3 week period. And 2x10 would be ideal.
I guess it depends on the lift you are doing. I have found with some isolation exercises that I gain quite a bit of strength during a micro-cycle and can increase it more than I think.

I would just try it and see how you get on, if you concentrate on how you feel and what your body is telling you you'll do fine. It's not an exact science, so don't limit your options.
Thanks a lot man and I'm just gonna go by feel like you said. It's only my first cycle so I may just go vanilla or I may add this in. As I'm still getting noob gains I don't want to limit my strength gain. We'll see how it goes.