Revamping My Warmup


New Member
My stretching routine isn't that great... I usually jump around a bit, rotate my arms around my shoulder, stretch my quads and hamstrings in the usual fashion, sometimes do trunk rotations, toe touches, and put my arms behind my back.

I need something more vibrant and interesting to keep me in it, but not a routine that is too long. I am looking for a good 5 minutes to stretch.
Thats your warmup? Do you have any exercises that you actually need to stretch just to reach full range of motion? If not, skip the stretching pre-WO. I do some joint mobility work, then use the Burgener warmup as a general warmup, then do a few sets lighter than my work sets for exercise specific warmup.
(bgates1654 @ Jun. 17 2008,3:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">... use the Burgener warmup as a general warmup ...</div>
The Burgener warmup is great. I only just came across it the other day on the CrossFit vids page. Worth checking out Colby.

I also think that some light cleans and presses make for a pretty thorough warm up, especially if you go down into a full front squat each rep.
(fearfactory @ Jun. 18 2008,9:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've seen some cross-fitters doing burpees...

what's the Burgener?</div>
The Burgener warmup is in a nice Cross-Fit pdf here

Here's a better link for the Burpee . I am sure several reps or sets of those would be beneficial. It's a good movement for the entire body.
5mins on the crosstrainer to warm up the whole body,
then dynamic stretches(no static stretches)
leg swings front/back left/right
arm swings/rotations all ways
trunk twists stood up,and bent over
hip rotations
neck rotations
knee rotations
toe touches knees slightly bent
warm up sets.