
I could swear that I read a study one time that looked at creatine absorption rates when injested with/without salt. I can't remember what the outcome was exactly, but I, for some reason, seem to remember that the creatine absorption was positively affected. But I have no idea why..... :confused: Maybe I was just dreaming??
Only by looking at the health issues concerning the excess use of salt this conversation should not go any further. If the problem is with creatine absorbtion then eat carbs with your creatine
Most of us get plenty of salt anyway without having to add extra. I've never heard anything that would suggest that extra salt would be beneficial pre- or post workout.

/ R
I wouldn't worry about pre/post just make sure total intake is around 1200-1500/d or less. it's different if your competing with a loading phase and a depletion phase before a contest.
It is my understanding that increased sodium will cause your body to hold water. Strength is directly linked to the amout of water a muscle is holding since they are made up of a large percentage of water. So in theory salt pre-workout can help your strength.

I've tried it already but didn't notice any dramatic increase in strength. Perhaps a little though...

Salt in large doses is not as unhealthy as prevously thought. The rumors about its affect on blood presure and heart health are mostly unfounded.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (leanlifter @ Sep. 01 2005,2:28)]Salt in large doses is not as unhealthy as prevously thought. The rumors about its affect on blood presure and heart health are mostly unfounded.
The link is there and extremely consistent.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (leanlifter @ Sep. 01 2005,3:28)]Strength is directly linked to the amout of water a muscle is holding since they are made up of a large percentage of water. So in theory salt pre-workout can help your strength.

How is the water able to add your strenght?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (leanlifter @ Sep. 01 2005,3:34)]Try not drinking anything for 2 days then see how strong you are in the gym. Believe me, your muscles strength is dependent upon water...
I assume it`s safe to say that we all here understand then need of water in your system
You could also say that eating will give you more strenght ...
I was asking how do you proclaim that excess water bind with salt will help you gain strenght.
Lets ask one more time how is salt gonna add your strenght if you are 1) not hydrated and 2) your sodium levels are normal

What comes to your sayin that sodium pump the water to the cell is only partially right. Water molecules will pass the lipid membrane 10 to the power of nine times easily that Na+ sodium main function is not to bring water to the cell. The pump brings out of the cell 3 molecules of Na+ and 2 K- in thus creating 50 - -70 mV charge. This is used to the functions of the cell. Here more information for you...
If you have proper sodium levels more sodium will do nothing but cause your kidneys to store excess water. No effect on strength.

Try it... see what happens to you. I did.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (leanlifter @ Sep. 02 2005,2:34)]If you have proper sodium levels more sodium will do nothing but cause your kidneys to store excess water. No effect on strength.
Try it... see what happens to you. I did. we both agree on that what are arguing about
[b said:
Quote[/b] (leanlifter @ Sep. 01 2005,8:34)]Try not drinking anything for 2 days then see how strong you are in the gym. Believe me, your muscles strength is dependent upon water...
Dehydration means you suffer physically . . . isn't that a congenitally known fact?
The only time I ever worry about my salt intake is when my muscles start cramping up a lot. Then I try and have a little bit more salt with my meals. I certainly don't think you have to be thinking about your salt intake unless you are having problems.

Joe G