Shoulder and Chest Methods


New Member
It's been a long time since I posted here. I started lifting about 3 months ago now and things are going great for me. I was wondering how many exercises do you usually do for chest. I know dips are one of the best things and I will have a station in my house in a month or less until then I wasent sure how many different exercises to do. I have been doing bench press/incline, dumbbell press/incline, and dumbbell flys. Is that to much? I have been doing 3x10-15 reps

Also my other question is what types of exercises are best for shoulders. I have been doing military press but thats all, I was wondering what types of exercises you guys have been doing.

Thanks for all the help

Hi Ryan-
That's getting close to too much for your chest- I'd just do dips and either BB or DB incline bench. Shoulders: Arnolds are my personal favorite- I also do seated wide cable rows and standing cable rows- not all in the same w/o- I alternate these.
This question is related to chest workouts. Namely inclune dumbell presses. Is cracking of a shoulder a bad thing while doing this exercise?
I feel no pain when i do those, it just cracks. Also, today i tried doing them with my elbows closer to my body and i didn't hear any cracking. Does it have something to do with my rotor cuff strength and shouylder stability or am i pinching a ligament or something.