Shut up program

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21 Apr 2008, Mon

After 8 days of SD (13 to 20 Apr),
I'm now ready to start a new cycle.

Instead of the usual HST (I've done 4)
I'm breaking away from total body workout
& trying a traditional 3 day split.

It's called the shut up program from T-Nation

Reasons for doing a split:
1) break from routine
2) more focus on single muscle
3) possible to have better gains?

slight difference between this shut up prog
& normal splits is that it kinda works like
HST (eg. 2 x 12, 3 x 8 , 4 x 5). normal split
will just pyramid upwards like 15, 12, 10, 8 etc.

couple "weakness" of this prog which I notice
vs HST are

1) dun really tell you how to find your rep maxes
(so for certain exercises, I'll have to do guesswork
or based on past traditional split logs)

2) will CNS burn out faster towards e end
eg. 4 x 5 for deadlifts in every 3rd wk. Even for
HST, I tune it a bit to only one set.

my weight this morning was 62 kg, seems like
i dropped 0.5 kg or about 1.1 ibs over e wkend
cause sat & sun i had only 3 meals due to hetic
schedule (couldn't do much about it).

let's begin with 62 kg / 136.4 ibs & see how it progess.
er, why can't i post attachements here?
i can do it in e post yr pics thread. thinking
of posting my training routine here.
For some reason, some of the threads don't have the browse link attached: you have to link to an outside site, like photobucket (what I use) and paste that in. Problem there is, if you move anything, the pics are lost here.
There are dozens of outside programs that are okay, but result in quick burnout. That's probably one; I don't have time to check it. I think forays over into other training and back to HST are beneficial overall, once HST has slowed down. But if it's working, why fix it?
21 Apr 2008 Mon

today's workout was totally terrible.
not sure if it's because i started it
at 12 reps as e program stated or
i went too fast & pushed too hard.

i did 3/4 of e workout before i had
to visit the toilet. I broke out in a
terrible cold sweat & was hovering
over the toilet bowl for a good 15 mins.

today's workout is supposed to be like this
(chest & back, 2 x 12)
1) incline bb press: 130 ibs (but
2nd set only got 10 & then rest pause +1
then total failure, stuck)


3) cable crossover: 35 ibs

4) pullups

5) dumbbell rows: 22.5 kg

6) T-bar rows: 190 ibs

I stopped at dumbbell rows.

rest period was supposed to be 1 to 2 mins
but as it went along, i felt recovery was not
as fast as i want it to be.

e immediate difference i noticed when compared
to a HST workout is tat the muscles trained
felt extra pumped (due to multiple exercises)
but also i was catching my breath harder.

i started at 12 reps as e prog stated.
problem is it din state if it was wise to do
so after a layoff or SD & 2 sets at 1 go.

i've 2 options now, abandon this & draft up
e nxt HST cycle & start on wed or stick w it.

wat a terrible way to start a training program
forgot to mention i was so nauseaous
that i can't even drink my post workout shake.
yet later on, i was so freaking hungry. almost
like a backlash.
It's always worth while to test against HST, but it seems that most people find HST the better suitor for hypertrophy. Good luck! I'll be following your log as usual.
(colby2152 @ Apr. 21 2008,9:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It's always worth while to test against HST, but it seems that most people find HST the better suitor for hypertrophy. Good luck! I'll be following your log as usual.</div>
thanks for e support colby. but by right
total body workout should feel more tedious
than splits yet in this case splits felt like hell.
(of course i'm aware tat i came back from layoff
&amp; pushed too hard).

yet when i think back, total body dun feel so
hard (overall, not comparing in terms of poundage).
actually quadancer, i upped my carbs by total of 20g yet my energy felt drained really fast &amp; before i actually started
feeling sick, i was yawning away!

I have decided to return to my HST
roots &amp; start the 5th cycle on wed.
will post a log on it soon.
(colby2152 @ Apr. 22 2008,8:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This didn't last very long....</div>
better i drop the program if it dun feel right
then i drop dead on e gym floor.