Heya guys, gonna start a new cycle soon, just wondering a few things if I could pick your brains...
As in other threads I've mentioned my pelvic condition which is still an ongoing process of healing, so squats, deadlifts, RDLs are out of the question.
So a few ponderings..
-Was wondering what exercises I could actually use in a HST cycle to train quads and hamstrings that isn't going to heavily stress the core/abdominals/pelvis? I don't have access to a leg press. I do have a leg extensions and leg curl at home. Obviously not great for heavier loads in 5s, but possibly could run a HST cycle with higher rep phases? (20s, 15s, 10s? Or maybe 10s is too heavy for that.. 25s, 20s, 15s?)
-Also can't do any overhead pressing at the moment (too much tightness in the shoulders/upper traps too so the physio advised I lay off those for a bit), so what would you guys recommend for medial delt work that doesn't involve the upper traps?
I was thinking just DB lateral raises (which may have to use similar rep phases as the above exercises), and just making sure to not go above parallel when the upper traps start to kick in more..
So I'm thinking maybe:
Bench press
might try BB Rows and see how they go
DB lateral raises
Leg ext
Leg curl (I'd be keen to even try lighter RDLs, but probably 15 rep max is the most.. bit hard to set up a cycle with that unless it's pretty high reps the whole time...)
Wide grip machine rows (for rear delts etc, trying to incorporate more pulling movements into routine)
Just whatever in bis/tris
Would love to throw a little myoreps in there but not for every session
Really appreciate any thoughts, thanks heaps
As in other threads I've mentioned my pelvic condition which is still an ongoing process of healing, so squats, deadlifts, RDLs are out of the question.
So a few ponderings..
-Was wondering what exercises I could actually use in a HST cycle to train quads and hamstrings that isn't going to heavily stress the core/abdominals/pelvis? I don't have access to a leg press. I do have a leg extensions and leg curl at home. Obviously not great for heavier loads in 5s, but possibly could run a HST cycle with higher rep phases? (20s, 15s, 10s? Or maybe 10s is too heavy for that.. 25s, 20s, 15s?)
-Also can't do any overhead pressing at the moment (too much tightness in the shoulders/upper traps too so the physio advised I lay off those for a bit), so what would you guys recommend for medial delt work that doesn't involve the upper traps?
I was thinking just DB lateral raises (which may have to use similar rep phases as the above exercises), and just making sure to not go above parallel when the upper traps start to kick in more..
So I'm thinking maybe:
Bench press
might try BB Rows and see how they go
DB lateral raises
Leg ext
Leg curl (I'd be keen to even try lighter RDLs, but probably 15 rep max is the most.. bit hard to set up a cycle with that unless it's pretty high reps the whole time...)
Wide grip machine rows (for rear delts etc, trying to incorporate more pulling movements into routine)
Just whatever in bis/tris
Would love to throw a little myoreps in there but not for every session
Really appreciate any thoughts, thanks heaps