Squat form


New Member
Hello all,

I'm having a few problems with my squat form.

When I squat down with only my body weight or using just the bar, I have to lean pretty far forward to go to, or slightly past parallel. To go any further I have to start curling my back forward which I know is bad form. So I have stuck with going just to parallel. However when I start adding on the weight, all is well until I get to the lower part of the lift where it seems that I loose some power from my legs and all the effort is going into keeping my back upright.

I'm not sure if this is related or not but I have found that I can go down much further with my bodyweight when crossing my arms in front of myself like a front squat then when holding them in a back squat position.

I also have a slight sway back if that makes a difference.
I'm wondering if I'm arching my back too much? I have tendency to want to shift my weight to the front of my feet when squatting because it makes it easier to keep my back straighter, however I know you're supposed to keep the weight centered, or slighting on your heels. However when I try to keep the weight centered, I have to lean forward a lot.

I apologize if I'm being too vague, but I'm not quite sure of the "source" of the problem. Any help is appreciated.

get some more flexibility in your back..but you could try putting a block under your heels this will stop you leaning forward.good luck :D