Squats and Row - Barbell


New Member
I am new to lifting and learned about HST from a friend. There so much reasoning and considerable outputs from it, there so no question of not choosing it. I have chalked out my 15, 10 and 5's and about to begin my first HST cycle.

I have few questions about the correct posture for Row and Squats using barbell. I will try and put across specific clarifications regarding the same.

Squats: What should be the distance between the feet for back squats? Should it be shoulder level distance or closer? And what should be the position of the back?

I know of two techniques of doing the row using a barbell. could someone pls point out the pros and cons between the 2.

1. Hold the bar with an over arm grip, knee slightly bent and back straight. the arms should strech till it just about reaches the ground n drawn back to the pelvis.
2. Hold the bar with an under arm grip, knee slightly bent and back staright. Strech arms till they straighten to the knee and then pull back till the pelvis.
I am not sure which is more beneficial would like some inputs about the same.

Also I am doing a cutting cycle, so during the rest days should I include push ups and dips on parallel bars, would that mean i would be breaking the trend of increasing weights and straight away playing with the body weigth? Would that hamper hypertropy?

What should be my jog & sprint regime? I want to build on my stamina too hence the question.

When squatting there are few styles. Some do it at shoulder level distance with feet straight. I personally do it a little bit wider and my feet a little bit in a v-position. It is important that you dont take too narrow stand as this will strain you knees. Your back should be straight and when gettin to lower position knees should not extend over toes when looking from the side. Take 90 degrees squat or full squat. Which suites you the best.
If I understood this correctly in first example of row your legs and beck are in 90 degrees position as you almost hit the ground with barbell. Do not do this as it strains your lower back. keep your knees bend and keep your back in 50-70 degrees.
Rest days are for resting

What comes to aerobic training there are several posts here whether you shoud cardio during HST. As you are cuttin it is advisable.