Study on DOMS



This may be another benefit to eccentrics at the end of an HST cycle:

Journal of Athletic Training

Conclusion of the study:
[/QUOTE]Perceived pain and muscular tenderness associated with an eccentric exercise perturbation can be reduced by performing similar exercise 6, 7, 8, or 9 weeks before beginning an exercise program. Most individuals engaging in physical activity will experience DOMS at some point in their lives. Clinically, exercise and rehabilitation program noncompliance are often attributed to the discomfort associated with DOMS. Performance of an eccentric exercise bout up to 9 weeks before beginning an exercise program can reduce delayed postexercise muscle pain and tenderness. Preseason conditioning may begin up to 2 months before intense physical activity, resulting in reduced delayed muscle pain and tenderness during the first weeks of a competitive sports season. Reduced muscle pain, tenderness, stiffness, and weakness associated with DOMS36 may help improve performance and reduce injury due to unsound biomechanical compensations37 early in a competitive sports season. Sports medicine personnel must emphasize the importance of the prophylactic benefits of the repeated bout effect on DOMS to individuals who are involved in novel or unaccustomed physical activity. Further research is needed to determine other methods of reducing the severity of the signs and symptoms associated with DOMS.
So if you think of weeks 7 and 8 as preparation for the next cycle, then it may help reduce the occurance of DOMS.