Summary of my cutting technique.


I will shortly be at the end of my bulking period. I started bulking in about september at about 78kg/175lb and ca9% BF. I now weigh 97.5kg. Ive obviously gained fat during this period but mirror-wise Im probably at about 16/17% BF. Im hoping to get down to 85kg/187lb and 10%. I had success during the previous cut whereby I employed the IF Leangains techniques. Its very important for me to feel full when I go to sleep as thats usually where I eat most calories in a day( from 6-10pm) so meals spaced out later in the day was perfect for me. I ate tons of veggies to help me feel satiated: broccoli, cauliflower, green beans.

Protein-wise I was keeping the intake as high as possible during the entire cut. Energy-wise I eventually got down to around 1300kcals per day for rest days and ca 1500kcals on training days. I was eating porridge after my workouts to replenish glycogen stores. My protein intake was only at around 1.2g/kg bodyweight during the last month or so. Ill actually be keeping that higher this time round and allow a bit longer for the last few pounds to fall off. I didnt use any form of protein shakes or the like due them helping less to maintain satiety.

I was previously training full-body three times per week. (I am now on an upper/lower A/B split) Rep ranges were between 12, 8 and 4RM. I skipped SD during the entire cut and just did two weeks 12RM then two weeks 4RM. I increased my rep maxes where I could and honestly was able to keep pushing those during the entire cut. I kept volume to a minimum only doing one set of the 8 rep ranges and two sets on the 4 rep ranges. I even split workouts into two and trained six times a week so I could go all out on every set without taxing my CNS too much. That worked great.

Ill be employing the same techniques this time round. I have recently changed the 4rm to 5rm so it will be slightly higher volume but not much. Ill do my one or two "heavy" sets then do some metabolic work where I feel I can without burning myself out. Ill be doing the exact same workout at the start of the cut as the last cycle during the bulk period, same weights, just less sets, and now four times per week, two lower and two upper.

If anyone has anything to add, advice etc feel free.
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I actually have a couple questions, as I am approaching my first cut.

1. What was you total carb intake (in grams) per day?

2. How did/do you feel energy wise?

3. How long has it taken?

GBG, how many total kcals did you consume during your bulking period? You said 1300-1500 but I have to assume that is what you will consume during your cut as that is very low for a bulk and you could not have put on a whopping 20 Kg with so little kcals, unless you are only 3 feet tall with no metabolism or was that just protein kcals? :confused:
I actually have a couple questions, as I am approaching my first cut.

1. What was you total carb intake (in grams) per day?

2. How did/do you feel energy wise?

3. How long has it taken?


1. Perhaps 300g on training days. Next to nothing on rest days, except whats in the veggies, which isnt much. This was at the end of the cut. I wasnt eating 1300-1500 kcals at the start as I didnt have to eat that little to lose weight when I was over 90kg

2. I had loads of energy during the cut. I was alert and awake but I didnt have the same energy at the gym. I got tired quickly but I was only doing one or two sets per exercise at the most.

3. The cut took about six months in total. Cutted from ca94kg to 78kg. The last 3 or 4kg took a couple of months!
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GBG, how many total kcals did you consume during your bulking period? You said 1300-1500 but I have to assume that is what you will consume during your cut as that is very low for a bulk and you could not have put on a whopping 20 Kg with so little kcals, unless you are only 3 feet tall with no metabolism or was that just protein kcals? :confused:

That was during the cut, yes. I was obviously increasing my cals as I got heavier and am eating roughly 4000-4500 kcals per day now. Even on rest days.