[b said:
Quote[/b] (Nemesis7884 @ May 05 2005,9:54)]hell, i always wonder how the hell you can follow a plan like ud2.0...are you all students? don't you have anything to do?
I switch day 1 to Monday so my carb-up begins on Friday evening through all day Saturday.
I work a pretty stable 8 - 5 pm, 5-day week, no children.
A little grilling and grocery shopping on Sunday for food prep. I spend less time eating (1 - 2 meals at work versus a normal 3) consuming 1,400 cals a day Tue - Friday.
Go to the gym same as usual, but spend an additional 30 - 45 minutes each session during depletion. Don't do morning cardio as prescribed.
Friday's post-workout = fun sort of lowfat see food diet and Saturday's yard work as usual and just eat whenever I am not full.
Sunday workout and eat like normal.
Tough part about UD2:
1. depletion workouts - the lactic acid nausea is incredible, they are exhausting, and I feel weak - then you got to do it again the following day.
2. All the pent up hunger by carb-up time leads to eating too much fat and not staying true to the plan, which leads to slower fat loss due to smaller weekly cal deficit. I got to mentally buck up a choose fat free ice creams instead of the good stuff, choosing to bagels and cereal instead of all-you-can eat pizza or chinese.
Honestly, a little weekly planning and it is smooth sailing.