Td Log


Been doing BB stuff for the past 6 months. Now it's time for low reps. Currently doing Push Pull Off Legs.
Bodyweight is somewhere between 185lb and 190lb.


Bench: 225lb x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (PR)
Landmine Press on Knees: Bar + 75lb x 10, 10, 8 (PR)
DB Chest Flies: 40lb x 15, 15, 15

Was previously benching with sets of 6-8. This is the third session of heavy triples and I've already gone from 3x3 RPE 9.5-10 to 5x3 RPE 9-9.5. Very happy with that progress. Will move to 230lb. Short term goal is to push 225lb from what feels like a 5RM to a 7RM. Weak, I know, but it feels good to rep 225lb now.


Came down with a nasty head cold, so worked out at home

Weighted Pull-ups: BW + 52.5lb x 3, 3, 3, 3, BW + 32.5lb x 6, x 6
Neutral Grip Pullups: BW x 10, 10, 5, (10 second rest-pause) x 3, 2

I never do NG pull-ups but I felt a lot of lat activation. May incorporate these regularly.
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Didn't get a chance to record the last session (in which I had to combine push and legs). Let's just say it didn't go very well. If you're going to have a gym partner, have an adequate one. I went to the gym last session with a friend and let's just say he's a terrible, terrible spot and he really takes you out of the mindset required to lift heavy. He's the type to criticize everything you do in the gym but can't even bench 135lb.

Anyway, BW between 185 and 190lb. Today's session went well. Went a little overboard with the pull-ups, but I was feeling strong. Weighted pull-ups felt RPE 8-8.5 throughout. Gonna move those up.

Weighted Pullups: BW + 52.5lb x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, BW + 32.5lb x 6, x 6
Wide Grip Pullups: BW x 10, 10
Machine Rows: 180lb x 10, 10, 6 (rest-pause), 2, 2
Wide Grip Cable Rows: 82.5lb x 15, 15, 15
Cable Curls: 47.5lb x 10, x 10, x 8
Stationary Bike: 15 min
BW was surprisingly low today...182lb.

Worked up to a double at 365lb and then a bunch of reps of 315lb sumo DL. Greasing the grooves here. Then some SDLs with my shitty ROM and smith machine split squat

Had to rush through this as I had to get to work.

Bench: 230lb x 2, 2, 2, 2
Landmine Press On Knees: Bar + 75lb x 10, 10, 5
DB Chest Flies: 40lb DBs x 15, 15, 10

Weighted Pullups: BW + 57.5lb x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, BW + 37.5 x 6, 6, 6, BW x 10
Machine Rows: 180lb x 8, 8
Wide Grip Cable Rows: 87.5lb x 15, 15
Cable Curls: 47.5lb x 10, 10, 10

Then a bunch of basketball.


3 hours of basketball, some PNF of the hamstrings by my buddy whose a trainer. I normally wouldn't do this before I lift but we were in a really, really nice gym so we thought we'd take advantage of it before he quits and his membership is revoked.

No chalk, so just did some singles of 315lb then a bunch of sets of 225lb. Wasn't particularly challenging but wanted to get something in. Will do a real leg session next time. Bought some Converse to replace my disgusting 5 year old flats. Worked well.
Didn't get to log last push session. Lack of left ankle ROM from 5,000 sprains is killing my leg drive when things get heavy. Have a couple ideas to toy with for next session that may allow me to lock in a better base. Tried 'em out last session after heavy bench and some flies and things felt considerably smoother so I'm excited to see if these fixes will add some more pounds to my bench.

Today's pull session:

Weighted Pullups: BW + 62.5lb x 3, 3, 2, 2, BW + 42.5lb x 6, 6
Machine Rows: 180lb x 10, 10, 8
Wide Grip Cable Row: 87.5lb x 15, 15, 15 (PR)
Cable Curls: 47.5lb x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 (PR)

Tomorrow is legs. I have to wake up around 5:30am tomorrow so I don't think I'll be getting much sleep, but 'tis life.
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5:00am over here every morning mate ;)

I'm switching over to 6:15am shifts on weekends because it fits my schedule better. Most of my classes, which start up again in the week, begin around 7am, though my clinical rotation shifts ends a bit past midnight. No rest for the weary I suppose :confused:. I've had too many 15 hour days over the past 6 months, but somebody's gotta do it.
Weighted Pullups: 62.5lb x 3, 2.5, 2, 2, 45lb x 5
Machine Rows: 180lb x 10, 10
Wide-Grip Cable Rows: 92.5lb x 15, 15, 15 (PR)
Cable Curls: 52.5lb x 10, 10, 8

7.5lb away from maxing out the stack for wide-grip cable rows. Gonna have to find a new exercise once I'm there. Pull-ups didn't go very well, but I had done some bodyweight yesterday periodically throughout the day for fun so that could be why.
Start of a great bench day. RPE 8.5 230 triples. Set 3. Ask for spot. Disaster. He unracks weight and pushes it way forward of center. Pulls me out of position and saps all my power. Failed rep 2

On the bright side, 230lb feels like a 5rm now.
Weighted Pullups: BW + 62.5lb x 3, 3, 3, 2, BW + 47.5 x 6
Machine Rows: 180lb x 10, 10
Wide-Grip Cable Rows: 214lb x 15, 15, 15 (PR)
Cable Curls: 52.5lb (per arm) x 10, 10, 10, 10 (PR)


Welp, completed the stack on cable rows. There are a couple of, I think, 5lb weights that you can fit on the top of the stack. I'll add those and them one to one-armed cable rows.
Bench: 230lb x 3, 210lb x 5, 200lb x 5
Landmine press (on knees): Bar + 80lb x 10
DB Chest Flies: 40lb DBs x 15, 15
Cable Lateral Raises: 27.5lb x 10, 10, 10
Weighted Pullups: BW + 62.5lb x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 (PR), BW + 47,5lb x 5
Machine Rows: 180lb x 10, 185lb x 10, 185lb x 7, (rest pause), 2, 1
Wide-Grip Cable Rows: ~221lb x 15, 15 (PR)
Cable Curls: 52.5lb (per arm) x 10, 10, 10, 8
Between nursing school and work, 5 days a week of gym is starting to really push it. I could somewhat handle it last semester but we're starting to push into deeper pathophysiology and more invasive skills so I've got to spend more time ironing all that out.

Took it easy this week with some lighter weighted pull-ups and home and some pushups, mostly due to just not having the time and wherewithal to commute out to the gym, so I think I'm going to need to start looking 3 day-a-week programs.

BW is 180lb-185lb. Bench is somewhere around 255-265lb. Sumo Dead has been low to mid 400lbs for a while. Heaviest I've pulled in the last 6 months was 420lb. Weighted pullup 1RM is probably around BW + 105-115lb at this bodyweight.