Teenage Dieting


New Member
Hey guys. I just turned 17 years old, so since I'm still younger I probably have a bit of a different metabolism. How do caloric needs usually differ for teenagers? Hopefully I'm not repeating anyone's question...I did a search, but didn't find this question. It is stated that a starting point for caloric needs with mass building is usually 16x lbs. bodyweight... I find I can eat quite a bit more than that and not even put on weight. I'm not an ectomorph either, so I figure my age effects my dietary needs? Some insight would be appreciated!
Age and activilty level have a lot to do with your metabolism, generally as you age beyond your teens and even 20's your metabolism drops, but this is dependant on activity level and your individual metabolism.

If you are having trouble gaining on 16X, then up to 18X, Then 20X if 18 isn't enough.

It's just a matter of finding your limits.
When I started weight lifting, if I used those formulas, I would have taken my weight x 16 (128 pounds x 16) = 2048!

However, I am a 17 year old as well, that is not even nearly enough for me to gain weight! The truth is that you have to track your calories and be consistent until you find a number for you. I think if you start at 2500 then see how your weight changes (or doesn't). Add as necessary.

I personally need about 3200 calories a day to gain about 1kg a week (2.2 pounds), and I weigh only 132 pounds, but I am very active as I play other sports as well.

Hope that helps.