The basics


Active Member
Ok guys we all agree 20 to 30 reps seems to be HST target.

But if we just do a compound only routine.

Shoulder press

During a set of 10's this would only come to 12 sets at best with a 30 rep target?

Does reducing the exercises and dropping all iso change anything in your opinion. Now granted heavy weight in these lifts are very taxing!

Whats your Opinion?

How does everyone esle do it?
Joe: I'm doing 25 reps per exercise. For A I'm doing squats, SLDLs, shrugs, dips, chins, presses and for B I'm doing squats, SLDLs, shrugs, dips, rows, presses.

Once on 5s I will drop SLDLs and do deads. If Deads and squats get too much I will alternate them.

I can't do bench at the moment or upright rows due to my shoulder issue.

So far it's going really well and I feel I have enough volume. I may drop down to 20 reps during 2nd week of 10s and 5s IF I can't manage it all with the heavier loads. If I do I'll add in a lighter set of my 15RM for 10 reps to keep the work levels up.
Cool sounds good.

Yeah I agree with dropping down to 20 reps.

I blieve were I have gone wrong in the past is giving up load for volume...but then again I have shoulder issues that make load a problem too. have your results been overall with HST as a whole?
I'm just coming up to a full year of HST and I'm really happy. I'll be posting results soon in the Results with HST thread once I have it all written up.
Yeah, 30 rep squats and deads gets too much during the 5's.

I manage 5 x 5 and it is not too bad may want to drop to 20's if it gets too much!
i done the 30 rep thing and as the guys said its a bit much in the 5s,so i did 4 sets of 5 reps and a drop set of 10 to make up to 30
(faz @ Nov. 15 2006,17:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">i done the 30 rep thing and as the guys said its a bit much in the 5s,so i did 4 sets of 5 reps and a drop set of 10 to make up to 30  
Snap! What load did you use for the 10 reps Faz? I used my 15RM load. It was only 40lb less than my 10RM and seemed just about a perfect weight.
I still only do one work set per exercise and only four exercises alternating between A and B. Still making gains. I love the simplicity and sure saves time.

(Keystone @ Nov. 17 2006,21:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I still only do one work set per exercise and only four exercises alternating between A and B. Still making gains.  I love the simplicity and sure saves time.  

correct long as its still working keep doing the same,when you stop gaining then its time to change.
to many people keep changing routines just because they think its going to be better,but as long as your gaining why bother
(Joe.Muscle @ Nov. 13 2006,05:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok guys we all agree 20 to 30 reps seems to be HST target.

But if we just do a compound only routine.

Shoulder press

During a set of 10's this would only come to 12 sets at best with a 30 rep target?

Does reducing the exercises and dropping all iso change anything in your opinion. Now granted heavy weight in these lifts are very taxing!

Whats your Opinion?

How does everyone esle do it?</div>
If you have been lifting steady for several years, I would use a 6 day split. Either push/pull or Upper/Lower.

This way you can get the volume you need with a limited number of exercises, yet still get out of the gym in a decent amount of time.
Bryan when you say the volume you need.

I am guessing you are agreeing on 30 reps?

Correct me if I am wrong but I was looking at you most recent routine post and I believe you were around 30 to 36 reps total per muscle group.

So I am guessing that there becomes a time even with us expierenced lifters ( I have 12 years in training) that extra sets and reps still dont equal more growth?
(Bryan Haycock @ Dec. 02 2006,13:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Joe.Muscle @ Nov. 13 2006,05:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok guys we all agree 20 to 30 reps seems to be HST target.

But if we just do a compound only routine.

Shoulder press

During a set of 10's this would only come to 12 sets at best with a 30 rep target?

Does reducing the exercises and dropping all iso change anything in your opinion. Now granted heavy weight in these lifts are very taxing!

Whats your Opinion?

How does everyone esle do it?</div>
If you have been lifting steady for several years, I would use a 6 day split. Either push/pull or Upper/Lower.

This way you can get the volume you need with a limited number of exercises, yet still get out of the gym in a decent amount of time.</div>
But some people like me can harldy go to gym 3 times a week. So what i supposed to do?
if you can only get to the gym 3 times either add more exercises, or do an a,b, or a,b,c, routine using the exrecises you think you would need.