The Ultimate Sticky


New Member
I hope this isn´t considered to be spam, but it´s so damn funny, and I can see it having an educational purpose for beginners too  

Guido and Luigi - Forum Sticky
I kind of think holier than thou stuff is lame. I say this because I think the healthy lifestyle weight trainers live often leads them to looking down at others who don't share their discipline or aspirations. I'd say bodybuilders are the very worst of the bunch in this category.

Lifting weights does not make you special, and to be honest, nobody but other people who lift weights are ever going to care what you can do in the gym.

Looking good naked is nice, of course, but beyond that, the outside world really doesn't give a crap
I admit that it is making fun of other people, but also, at least I recognize myself a little in some of these characters. I think many of these characters are typical strength training beginners, and we have all been there and asked those questions. And we often see new people coming to forums and asking the same questions we did and thats what I think is funny. 
I just lost most of a morning reading all those great 'toons! Hilarious!!!

As an answer to Mikeynov - I disagree in a way. The bigger I got, the more looks I get of course, and that's just all ego talking, but I've also noticed that salespeople, clerks, cashiers, business associates, and people in general seem to treat me with a lot more respect and attention. That's handy. Being mostly a carpenter, I enjoy having the strength not to have to carry a dolly around all the time on my truck to move things.
The place it makes no difference whatsoever seems to be church. They're all about the Spirit, and bodies just don't rate. Which is a good thing for my ego.
As for ego; if we had none, we wouldn't brush our teeth or hair. We wouldn't marry someone we like to be seen with. I think the goal of a BB'er should be health, personal size or strength, and a healthy ego.

An overinflated ego is like those guys who inject synthol.
Good stuff there.. I didn't know what Dave Tate's food log was like, so I had to check it out.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh. My. God. Dave ate around 10,500 calories today with around 450g of fat (38%), around 1450g of carbs (54%), and around 190g of protein (7%). And this was a &quot;good&quot; day.</div>

After reading Dave Tate's calorie intake above I wanted to see what he was eating. I believe I found the same article you quoted from. Here is what he actually ate!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">See Tate Eat

Over the next few days, I discovered just how bad things have been – and they'd been that way for a very long time. Here's an entry out of the diary Dave's been keeping for me:

5:00 AM: Wake Up

Ate 4 Pop-Tarts and drank three cups coffee

5:00-7:00 AM: Work

Answered emails and worked on the EliteFTS site

7:10 AM: Pre-Workout Meal

McDonalds #5 with 2 apple pies and 1 large coffee

7:30-8:30 AM: Train

First 20 minutes was dynamic warm-up and mobility work with very aggressive stretching. I then did some sledgehammer and arm work. I drank the coffee during the session.

8:30 AM: Post-Workout Drink (2 Ultra Fuels!!!)

8:30-12:00 PM: Working at the Gym

I spent this time preparing the weightroom for a photo shoot, answering emails, and reviewing business indicators for the week.

1:00 PM: Went Home

On the way home to take care of my sick son for the afternoon, I ate a Burger King chicken sandwich meal with extra mayo. I hate chicken breasts and only eat the breaded stuff. I also ate onion rings and a Snickers pie. I drank Dr. Pepper along with my meal.

1:00-5:00 PM: Worked on a Presentation and Napped

During this time, I knocked out 6 mini-Snickers (no idea where they came from, but they were on the kitchen counter and in my book that makes them fair game). I also ate 5 lunch size bags of chips. We buy these so we don't eat so many at one time. Oops. I also had a few packs of Disney fruit snacks (we get them for the kids but I eat most of them).

5:00-6:00 PM: Make Dinner for the Kids

All hell breaks loose as we try to make dinner for the kids. With one sick and the other one ornery as hell, it was not good times. I forgot to eat until they were done and then I was hungry as hell. I popped 4 hot dogs in the microwave and ate them on 4 pieces of whole wheat bread with ketchup. I also had 3 lunch bags of chips and 3 glasses of sugar-free Tang.

7:00 PM: Put the Kids to Bed

Of course, I got hungry again. I fired up the oven and cooked up 6 giant cinnamon roles with icing. Yes, I ate all of them with a huge glass of milk.

9:00-11:00 PM: Emails and Work on Seminar

During this time I ate 4 Pop-Tarts and drank a big glass of milk

In the end, today was a good eating day. I have no idea what tomorrow will be like. However, tomorrow is squat day. We train at 9:00 and I'd like to go to Bob Evans restaurant beforehand to load up.

Oh. My. God. Dave ate around 10,500 calories today with around 450g of fat (38%), around 1450g of carbs (54%), and around 190g of protein (7%). And this was a &quot;good&quot; day.

(mikeynov @ Nov. 17 2006,03:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I kind of think holier than thou stuff is lame.  I say this because I think the healthy lifestyle weight trainers live often leads them to looking down at others who don't share their discipline or aspirations.  I'd say bodybuilders are the very worst of the bunch in this category.

Lifting weights does not make you special, and to be honest, nobody but other people who lift weights are ever going to care what you can do in the gym.

Looking good naked is nice, of course, but beyond that, the outside world really doesn't give a crap

That is so true. I remember how I looked at bbers before I took it up myself. I really couldn't have cared less. Actually thought it was kind of ridiculous. Now I just think about how big I am all the time, and it's pretty pathetic, but even when you know better it's hard to change your attitude when you spend so much time doing this.

&quot;I've got this, uhmm, friend who's trained for like 6 months and is ready to do steroids, what kind of cycle should he go on..&quot;

this one is hilarious, cause I also had, uhmm, friend who was and still thinking about this kind of stuff.
(scientific muscle @ Nov. 17 2006,20:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">forum personalities

Here is another good one...we ALL fit into one of these at least somewhat....I know I do...
haha the oldtimer sounds like me &quot;s..t&quot;
(Sniggel @ Nov. 17 2006,01:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I hope this isn´t considered to be spam, but it´s so damn funny, and I can see it having an educational purpose for beginners too  

Guido and Luigi - Forum Sticky</div>
i thought that was funny but also correct how many times do newbies ask the same questions when all they need to do is press the search button ,if they are to lazy to do that then they wont be doing much in the gym
(faz @ Nov. 18 2006,04:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Nov. 17 2006,20:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">forum personalities

Here is another good one...we ALL fit into one of these at least somewhat....I know I do...
haha the oldtimer sounds like me &quot;s..t&quot;
I guess I just became the 'smartass'!

Laughter is medicine for the soul.
Just saw the &quot;ultimate sticky&quot; and laughed my butt off.

I downloaded the image and maybe I'll post it in my blog, my friends would love to see that too.