Tip for increasing chinup strength


New Member
I am on my second set of HST, and am a veteran lifter of over 25 years. It is doing great! I have a tip for those that might be weak in pullups or chinups, like I am.

I couldn't do three pullups or chinups in a row during my first cycle - never having done them before. So, on this cycle I am kind of "supersetting" chinups or pullups with another exercise, which is allowing me to do more "unassisted" chinups, etc. For example:

For the chinup (targeting biceps), I will do "in-set supersets" with preacher curls. This means that I'll do one chinup, then one preacher, then one chinup, etc. Yesterday, during my 15's, I was able to do 8 unassisted chinups plus 7 preachers, and didn't go to failure,

For pullups (targeting lats), I am "in-set supersetting" with seated rows or bent over rows. The same results apply as in the chinups.

Now, the next thing to do is to increase the number of chinups/pullups as I progress each week.

Example: Do 2 chinups with a preacher rep in between. Then next week do 3 chinups with a preacher rep in between, etc. Eventually I'll be able to do 10 consecutive reps, after which I'll need to add weight with a dip belt.

Just my two cents, but it seems to be working and the arms feel great!

(MasterCFI @ Oct. 12 2008,7:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For the chinup (targeting biceps), I will do &quot;in-set supersets&quot; with preacher curls. This means that I'll do one chinup, then one preacher, then one chinup, etc. Yesterday, during my 15's, I was able to do 8 unassisted chinups plus 7 preachers, and didn't go to failure,</div>
What you're doing seems like a modification of the Max-Stim M-time. Although you are indeed exercising the biceps during the isolation portion of your superset, you are allowing the many other muscles used for the compound chinup exercise to rest for a bit. You could likely produce the same result (8 unassisted chinups) by simply resting for 10 or 20 seconds between repetitions.
I like using bands. I even use them when doing weighted pull/chin ups as they help me keep my form solid without squirming and other cheat techniques.