Twin Peak Carb Cycling?


New Member
Hello everyone!

Just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with Twin Peak's Carb Cycling diet. I've been on it for about 6 weeks (come monday) and have been having decent succes with it. It's easy to maintain, as being in the military doesn't provide a lot of time to plan meals, make shakes, etc. though the free gym membership is a perk.

I think the diet is working, but I would like to know if there is a better "low-carb" or "cyclic carb" diet out there. What are peoples opinions on the best cutting diet?

I appreciate all the help. It's been awhile since I've been back on this forum. Boy, is it nice!

Google "Lyle McDonald". Study the recomposition website to understand diet. It will take a while.
Thank you, sir, I will do that. Well, actually, I've read a bit about his theories/ideas and think they're a bit too complicated for my lifestyle. I'm in the military and have a bit of a problem covering my bases (training, nutrition, supplementation, etc) that tight 24/7. I will read though. Knowledge is power.

Thanks again for the response!
Actually, unless you want to go to extreme leanness, Lyle`s stuff is fairly basic, nothing overly complicated/impossible to fit to your`ll soon see
True. It seems like his theories are very well thought out, I just need to read a good article on basic, practical application. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Also, maybe someone could point in the direction of a diet to bulk with, while minimizing fat gain? Anyone with a quick link would be appreciated.

I do use the search feature, but I'd like to find more of an article than a topic discussion, as those can go round and round; get a little confusing.

Thanks, guys, for the input!
The most basic for that is to simply slow bulk. How successful you are depends on how well you monitor your activities and intake. It's harder to do because instead of taking in around 500 cals a day over maintenance, you have to try to keep yourself at 250. I don't measure food myself, so it's totally impossible to do very well.
I looked up and found a PLETHORA of information, but shoot...I was toooo tired to read through it all and get a practical plan together!
So, is that the main concept behind his ideas of recomposition? Eating just a bit above maintainence, and keep activity levels just right to recomp? I've been thinking about doing that after I finish this current cut. I'd like to keep the lean look but still gain some bulk, ya know? I'm gonna delve a bit more into this stuff, see what there is...a lot obviously!
Yes there is. I was just suggesting the simple standard BB'ing plan. Lyle goes into the differences of various diets and a whole lot more. Being ex-military, I doubt that you will be able to eat a TKD or CKD diet unless you buy your own food.
You're half right. Being in the Air Force, it's a lot more "cushioned" than say, the Marine Corps. Much more, holy crap. I do have to buy my own food though. Walmart has 93% lean turkey and beef for no more than $1.50-2.00 a lbs. sooo, meat is relatively cheap. Just cook it on a Foreman grill to rid that access fat. I also just bought a griddle to make eggs, omelletes, and buckwheat and oat pancakes. Good eaten on that thar griddle!