Umbilical Hernia


New Member
I had an CT scan done on my pelvis and abdomen on 5/21.  The doctor didn't think much of it as it just seemed to be an infection in my belly button...which it was.  Anyway, to be safe the test was ordered.

I have a f-ing umbilical hernia!  WTF, It's one thing after the other.  I feel like deads and squats COULD BE the culprit, or maybe it's been there all along and nobody ever knew.  The exact verbage, "Minimal umbilical hernia with fat contents."  Does anyone know about this or have experienced one?  They say I need surgery, but it's not an emergency.  Some sites I visited say that they DON'T need to be operated on.

Luckily, there is NO visible protrusion at all, so it must be quite small.  Some pictures on the net are really scary.  The doctor said I can continue lifting until the surgery, at which point I'll have to take 3 months off!!!  Can anyone shed some light on this.  How could lifting not make it worse before the surgery...I don't want to start bulging out of my belly button.
I don't know about them, but I know two powerlifters who have these HUGE bulging bellybuttons, about the size of golfballs, and man, I'd take 3 months off not to have that!
Did they attribute the hernia to lifting? Did you get the mesh thing over it or was the muscle sutured? Glad to hear you healed so quickly...the estimates I'm seeing for the umbilical seem longer, but maybe its exaggerated.
Did they attribute the hernia to lifting?
Nobody asked.
Did you get the mesh thing over it or was the muscle sutured?
I dunno. My first hernia (years ago) had the chicken wire. I don't know about this new one.
Glad to hear you healed so quickly...
It didn't seem quick...
the estimates I'm seeing for the umbilical seem longer, but maybe its exaggerated.
It may be exaggerated, or it may be that the hernia is located in an entirely different area. I suppose a lot depends on how much the docs know about lifting.