volume / exercises help!


New Member
I have read that you should have a slight level of soreness in your muscles the day following workout however I'm finding it very difficult to reach that level of soreness on only 1 or 2 sets per body part. What is the maximum volume offsets you all recommend for work out without over training. also what do you all think the maximum number of exercises should be if I plan on doing full body workouts 3 times a week. for example how many sets max during the 15's, tens, and fives. all advice is welcome
I rarely get sore from anything anymore. DOMS goes away for many people after training consistently for a while.

Therefore, it's not a very good indicator of "enough" microtrauma
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I've been lifting the "multiple sets" 1x a week style for fifteen years. I am gonna give the one to two sets a try and just have faith in the program regardless of DOMS. Thanks for the input guys!
I rarely get sore from anything anymore. DOMS goes away for many people after training consistently for a while./QUOTE]

Agree with that. Only muscle I've never really trained over my 4 years is my quads and they are the only muscle group I still feel the next day. Can't wait for that one to shift too.
I have read that you should have a slight level of soreness in your muscles the day following workout however I'm finding it very difficult to reach that level of soreness on only 1 or 2 sets per body part. What is the maximum volume offsets you all recommend for work out without over training. also what do you all think the maximum number of exercises should be if I plan on doing full body workouts 3 times a week. for example how many sets max during the 15's, tens, and fives. all advice is welcome

You can get enough muscle microtrauma without feeling DOMS. In other words, soreness isn't the indication that you've done enough sets/weight/exercises or whatever.

HST is based on study results that indicate that 1-2 set are all that is needed to cause enough microtrauma.

How many exercises you should do is too tough to answer exactly. I recommend doing enough to hit all major groups AND complete in 45 min to 1 hr MAX.

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