Want to try this out


New Member
Hi everyone I've got a question of a routine I want to try out.

I wanna do HIIT and Hypertrophy but don't know how to make a good routine out of it plus I read an article and it says "With HIIT, it's most effective to go four weeks on, followed by four weeks without it. During your HIIT-less cycle, focus strictly on hypertrophy to promote mitochondrial biogenesis and an increase in the nuclei effect." Does that mean it is best to do 4 weeks HIIT and then other 4 weeks no HIIT but Hypertrophy?

Is it better to do HIIT 3 times a week and then on off days gym or better to try HIIT and half an hour later or so gym? And would it be recommended to do normal gym when doing HIIT or just jump to Hypertrophy?

Thanks in advance
"With HIIT, it's most effective to go four weeks on, followed by four weeks without it. During your HIIT-less cycle, focus strictly on hypertrophy to promote mitochondrial biogenesis and an increase in the nuclei effect."

That pretty much says it all.
But should I do 4 weeks alongside HST? Monday, wednesday, friday HST and tuesday, thursday and saturday HIIT was my plan to do and then the next 4 weeks just do distance runs
I read it as saying to do 4 weeks of only HIIT followed by 4 weeks of only hypertrophy training. I guess you could interpret it other ways. I do not know the source of the quote and have no experience with HIIT and lifting so I can't help you with that. Doing both at the same time sounds like it might fry your CNS to me but I will let someone else who may have done both to advise you better. I presume your idea is to loss fat and not build muscle. It is pretty hard to do both and even HIIT won't accomplish that. That is why I think alternating routines may be the best approach.
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I might first ask you your goals. From what I can see you want to do HIIT (for cutting I assume) and HST (for growth probably) if I am right you are trying to do a recomp which in layman's terms is slowly cutting body fat while slowing gaining muscle. If you are indeed recomping it is heavily influenced by your diet. I would honestly do 1 day HIIT with -20% calories below your maintenance level and the next day train HST style (full body workout every other day not split because of the HIIT) and I would eat a +20% surplus with calories that day. With this method you can slowly cut fat and slowly build muscle at the same time, but trust me it is difficult and will be impossible if your diet isn't in check. But other than that it is awesome because you never have to bulk or cut, you literally just make positive linear progression and increase your lean body mass while decreasing your fat mass. If you have questions or if I was wrong with your goals let me know bud.
Yeah that's kind of it my goals, I want to get rid of the extra fat I have on my body (Wanna get nice shapes but now I'm still a bit "fat") and get a nice body but I want to keep gaining strength and a bit of mass if possible.

I will try and sort out the diet, I'm no expert in diet so it's hard for me but I'll do my best